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Minister of Health Urges Bolivians to Return to Bolivia for Dengue Vaccine: Google’s Top Ranked Article

The Minister of Health of the Province of Salta, Federico Mangione, urged Bolivians who enter Argentine territory in search of a vaccine against dengue, to return to Bolivia so that their government will pay for all the treatment.

Mangione, quoted by the digital Agenda/Salta, announced that, given this unusual transfer, the provincial government is evaluating the possibility of implementing a charge for medical care for foreigners who use the services of public hospitals.

“The province is going to prioritize care for Salteños, and that is why we are considering applying the charge for medical care to all foreigners. Go to Bolivia and pay for everything. Go to Brazil and pay for everything. We must learn how these are handled issues in the world,” said the minister.

He also warned about the presence of Bolivian citizens. “We are being informed that people are crossing from Bolivia to Salta to be vaccinated against dengue. I want to make it clear that the priority is the people of Salta. Given the crisis and the shortage of medicines, we are going to give priority to our people,” he emphasized.

The analysis of the implementation of medical care charges for foreigners and vaccination prioritization measures continues in process by the provincial authorities, while society continues to debate the balance between the protection of local health and solidarity with those They seek medical attention in Argentine territory.

2024-02-17 18:57:46
#Minister #Health #Salta #urges #Bolivians #return #country #search #vaccine #dengue

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