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Minister of Economy Calls for Quick Compensation for Marseille Traders After Riots: General Mobilization Urged

At the bedside of Marseille traders this Friday, the Minister of the Economy Bruno the Mayor called on insurers to “behave in an exceptional manner”, urging them once again to compensate “quickly” and “up to the damage suffered” the traders affected by the recent riots.

“General Mobilization”

“I would really like to take advantage of my trip to Marseille to call for general mobilization for all businesses in France, and in particular independent businesses that have been ransacked, looted or even burned down over the past few days,” the minister told the press, after meeting some of their shops. Marseille merchants victims of the rioters. “We must be mobilized first for security. The first request of independent traders (…) is security, that they can resume their activity in safety without having fear in their stomachs”, continued the Minister, to whom several interlocutors had just expressed their fear of suffer new incidents on the occasion of the weekend of July 14.

“The second demand is for quick compensation. And here I once again call on the insurers to do what is necessary to compensate quickly and (…) not to use all the possible legal quibbles of the contracts, ”continued Bruno Le Maire, who had received representatives of the banks last Saturday. , insurance, traders and hoteliers-restaurateurs in Bercy. “Our insurer friends, they have made commitments. They must keep them, they must compensate quickly, “he continued, also calling for” general mobilization to compensate for the damage that has been suffered “.

“The State is showing understanding: (…) we are going to do what is necessary so that all those who have been affected do not pay their social charges, do not pay their tax charges, whether it is postponed, or for those who have been the most degraded, so that we cancel and crush the fiscal and social debts”, he recalled. “Why what the State is able to do, the insurers would not be able to do it too? “. “Everyone must behave exceptionally. I just ask one thing: that everyone is at the height of the gravity of the events, (…) that everyone rises a little above himself and puts himself at the height of the gravity of the events ” , he concluded.

Some 400 shops in downtown Marseille were vandalized and looted last weekend during three nights of violent riots after to the death of Nahelkilled by a policeman in Nanterre.

#Bruno #Maire #asks #insurers #exceptional #behavior

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