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Minister of Communication and Information Plans Sales Order for Minimum 100 Mbps Fixed Broadband Internet Package: Will Rates Increase?


Minister of Communication and Information (Minister of Communication and Information) Budi Arie Setiadi plan sales order paket internet fixed broadband minimal 100 Mbps. Will this result in an increase in fixed broadband or fixed network internet rates?

Regarding this question, the media crew also asked directly to the Director General of Post and Informatics Organizers (Dirjen PPI) of the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) Wayan Toni Supriyanto.

“Well, we can’t answer that yet because it could be that, according to the operator’s input, with speeds like this, there will actually be more, tariffs could go down. This is all business, so we can answer that,” said Wayan when met at the APJII office, Jakarta, Wednesday. (31/1/2024).

Wayan said that the regulations limiting fixed broadband internet packages to a minimum of 100 Mbps are still in the initial stages and require study and input from industry players before being issued.

“Without a study to look at all of this, we don’t dare to set policies. Don’t let it harm the industry again, because they are the ones who built it, as I said earlier to my friends in telecommunications operators,” said Wayan.

He also emphasized that the ban on the sale of fixed broadband internet packages of at least 100 Mbps will not be regulated in the near future.

“Yes, to this day I stated that it is not in the near future, but it is under review. All policies must be careful, especially since we are not the ones building this infrastructure, it is industry that is building it. So, we must be careful in making policies,” he said.

Met at the same place, the General Chair of the Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association (APJII) Muhammad Arif revealed the current condition of fixed broadband services. He gave the example that until now the internet backbone in Indonesia has not had a single price policy as is the case with BBM.

“The internet (price) is not one price. From Sabang to Merauke, the backbone is not one price, it varies, where in the east (Indonesia) it tends to be more expensive. For example, a fiber optic backbone in Java is IDR 10 million, but in Makassar it can be IDR 40 million to IDR 50 million,” he explained.

He conveyed that if the rule of limiting fixed broadband internet to a minimum of 100 Mbps is implemented, it cannot be applied in all regions of Indonesia.

“So, it really needs a study. How do we combine and really contribute, not only the government but really the big operator players, submarine cable owners, and others must also contribute, so that we can unite one price nationally,” concluded Arif.

Watch the video “Kominfo is still reviewing the discourse on a minimum 100Mbps broadband internet package”


2024-01-31 15:04:19
#Mbps #Fixed #Broadband #Internet #Regulated #Tariffs #Expensive

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