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Minister of Agriculture Reveals Plans to Change Cooking Oil Raw Materials Using This


Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo plans to make a breakthrough for production cooking oil with ordinary coconut not with palm oil.

“About coconut, I agree with the chairman, we don’t have to deal with palm oil, there is premier industrial coconut basic In North Maluku, we can provide a frying pan, stove, because one liter only requires 10 coconuts with 10 seeds,” he said in a working meeting with Commission IV DPR RI, Tuesday (22/3/2022).

According to him, his party can gather several thousand groups to meet the needs of coconut for cooking oil. He hopes that this plan can be discussed with Commission IV of the DPR RI.

“If it’s Ramadan, maybe I want to specifically discuss with the leadership about the existing attitude, this cooking oil will still be a problem in the future, sir. Maybe there is a step like that at a cost with KUR assistance of course,” he said.

Syahrul responded to a statement from the Chairman of Commission IV DPR RI, Sub-Department at the beginning of the meeting who recommended that the Ministry of Agriculture make a breakthrough in dealing with the problem. cooking oil. Meanwhile, ordinary coconut, according to him, is not as vulnerable to international situations as CPO.

“Regarding the current frenzy of cooking oil, the Ministry of Agriculture needs to make a breakthrough to make coconut production. Because it has been proven that the price of coconut and its derivative production is not vulnerable to the international market situation as experienced by CPO,” he said.

According to him, if cooking oil domestically made using ordinary coconut is expected to overcome the current high cost of cooking oil.

“By using coconut, it is hoped that it can overcome the problem and stabilize cooking oil,” he continued.

Also watch the video: In Pasuruan Market, Bulk Cooking Oil is Expensive and Rare

[Gambas:Video 20detik]


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