A major discussion arose about the closure of the children’s heart centers. The LUMC even announced that it would go to court. MPs submitted a motion to keep three centers open instead of two, but the minister was not persuaded.
Kuipers writes in a letter to parliament that “the importance of concentration in pediatric heart surgery has been discussed for more than thirty years”. According to him, it is high time to make a decision.
Not all care for heart patients will disappear from Utrecht and Leiden. Only the surgical procedures are moving to Rotterdam and Groningen. Patients can still go to all four cities for outpatient appointments, check-ups and pre- and aftercare.
The minister realizes that the decision has a major impact. “But in the interest of the patients, this is the necessary thing to do.” He says he has heard all parties and emphasizes that this is his decision.
According to Kuipers, the relocation of pediatric heart surgery to Groningen and Rotterdam will take about 2.5 years.