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Minister: energy surcharge of 800 euros not for larger groups

Minister Van Gennip of Social Affairs sees no possibilities to expand the group of households that receive 800 euros in energy compensation. Yesterday, the House of Representatives urged that the scheme be expanded. But the minister does not like that, as became apparent in the debate about declining purchasing power due to higher energy prices.

The cabinet has decided to give everyone who has to live on a maximum of 120 percent of the social minimum 800 euros to alleviate the suffering of the rising energy bill. They get that money through their municipality. One majority of the House would prefer to set the limit at 130 percent of the social minimum, so that more people with a low income can benefit from it.

Van Gennip said in the debate that expanding the group costs considerably more money, and that there is currently no cover for this. Moreover, the municipalities already have their hands full implementing the scheme as it is now, she argued.

‘Don’t make it more complex’

About 850,000 households are expected to be covered by the compensation scheme. About 350,000 of these are in the picture of the municipalities, they can expect the money in their account quickly. The other 500,000 people will have to register themselves and then the municipalities will have to check whether they actually qualify.

“The municipalities say that they can just handle this. Then we should not make it more complex,” said Van Gennip. If the group is expanded to 130 percent of the social minimum, this means a lot of extra work for the municipalities.

No surcharge system

“In addition, you shift the problem, because what do you do with the people who are just above that 130 percent and get nothing?”, Van Gennip wondered. She does not like a system in which the support decreases as income rises. “Then you end up in a kind of allowance system and we want to get rid of that,” she said, referring to the allowance scandal.

Van Gennip did guarantee that everyone who qualifies for it will actually receive the 800 euros, even if more people turn up than expected. “The 800 euros is leading, not the budget we have earmarked for it.”

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