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Minister continues to widen A27 at Amelisweerd

Minister Van Nieuwenhuizen sticks to her plan to widen the A27 / A12 on the east side of Utrecht further. The minister has signed a new route decision for the adaptation of the road.

Extra lanes will be built on the route of more than 20 kilometers. In addition, the A27 will have separate lanes between the Lunetten and Rijnsweerd junctions, so that through traffic will no longer be bothered by connecting traffic.

There is a lot of resistance against the road widening, partly because part of the Amelisweerd forest has to be cut down again. In 1982, a large part of the forest near the Amelisweerd estate was also removed for the construction of the A27.

“Generic Speed ​​Reduction”

The plans for the widening are not new, but a previous route decision was overturned by the Council of State last year due to the nitrogen problem. In an explanation of the new decision, the minister says that a new decision is possible due to the “generic speed reduction”, in other words that we are only allowed to drive 100 during the day.

Furthermore, new nature is being constructed, in addition to the legally necessary compensation. A green roof will be built over the A27 motorway at the Amelisweerd estate, which will improve the connection between the city and the estate.

The minister explained the plans as follows:

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