Home ยป News ยป Minister Bahlil Lahadalia Criticizes Academic Professors for Political Commentary on President Joko Widodo’s Government in 2024 Elections

Minister Bahlil Lahadalia Criticizes Academic Professors for Political Commentary on President Joko Widodo’s Government in 2024 Elections

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Investment Minister Bahlil Lahadalia spoke about the number of professors from various universities, both state and private, in various regions who criticized the political situation and President Joko Widodo’s government during the 2024 elections.

According to him, the criticism conveyed by the professors was part of a scenario deliberately created by certain parties.

“This is a scenario, we already understand this as former activists,” said Bahlil at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, Monday (5/2/2024).

“Well, never mind, where there is politics, no one is controlling it. We know, this is my sense as the former chairman of the Student Executive Board (BEM) that I understand this stuff very well. Except that I was a bookish student. We grew up on the street, how about that? “We don’t understand any of this,” he stressed.

Also read: Academic Criticism Called Partisan Political Strategy, UIN Jakarta: Don’t Worry About the Voice of the Palace

Even so, he still appreciated the petition and criticism submitted by them. However, according to him, there were a number of academic individuals who raised the same finger as certain presidential and vice presidential candidates when conveying this.

Apart from that, there was also a general chairman of a political party who was present.

“How come someone raised their finger with a certain number? How come there was one of the party leaders there? That’s true, boss. So I mean, that’s what makes it good.

“But Mr Jokowi is okay. Just relax,” he added.

Previously, academic statements started from the Gadjah Mada University (UGM) academic community on January 31 2024.

Then followed by the Indonesian Islamic University (UII), the University of Indonesia (UI), and several other campuses followed.

Most recently, academics from Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) Yogyakarta and Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta also expressed criticism to the government.

Also read: Palace Calls Academic Criticism of Partisan Political Strategy, UMS Professor: State of Common Affairs

Meanwhile, previously President Jokowi did not comment much on the criticism that a number of campuses leveled at him. According to him, it is a democratic right.

“Yes, it is a democratic right. Everyone can speak, have an opinion. Please,” said Jokowi at Tanjung Priok Port, North Jakarta on Friday, February 2 2024.

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2024-02-05 11:08:00

#Professors #Criticize #Jokowi #Bahlil #Scenario #Understand #Kompas.com

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