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Minister Angelov issued an emergency K-19 order! Prohibits …

With his order from today, March 10, the Minister of Health Prof. Kostadin Angelov temporarily bans the export of low molecular weight heparins and drugs from the group of muscle relaxants, which are used in the treatment of patients with COVID-19. This was announced by the Ministry of Health (MH).

The goal is for the state to have sufficient quantities in case of increased consumption of these drugs, so that the needs of Bulgarian patients are met.

The order was issued on the grounds of Art. 217e of the Law on Medicinal Products and in connection with a letter received from the Executive Agency for Medicines given the complicated epidemic situation related to the spread of COVID-19 in the country.

The order states that at present there are data on a potential shortage of medicinal products from the groups:

– With the international non-proprietary name Enoxaparin;

– With the international non-proprietary name Nadroparin.

An analysis of the demand for these medicinal products shows an increase in their consumption compared to previous months, with an average of 404% for INN Enoxaparin and Nadroparin.

The inspections performed by the BDA show that these medicinal products are subject to parallel export from Bulgaria to other countries, in quantities creating preconditions for a potential shortage of medicines in our country. Although this is legal, with increased consumption, the export of medicinal products used for the treatment of Bulgarian patients with COVID-19 disturbs the balance between the drugs delivered to the country and the increased needs for them to meet the health needs of the population.

The reasons for the order state that non-compliance with or interruption of the therapy prescribed to patients with COVID-19 will lead to a serious risk to their lives and health. The purpose of the measure is to ensure the continuity of the applied therapy with the indicated medicinal products.

The order is valid until 30.04.2021.

RD-01-150 by Blitz bg on Scribd


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