Home » today » World » Minimum wage in Texas: this is the official amount that workers will earn according to the federal rate in 2025 | minimum wage in the United States | how much do they earn in Texas | how much does a migrant earn in the USA | stimulus checks in the USA | salaries in Austin and Houston | United States

Minimum wage in Texas: this is the official amount that workers will earn according to the federal rate in 2025 | minimum wage in the United States | how much do they earn in Texas | how much does a migrant earn in the USA | stimulus checks in the USA | salaries in Austin and Houston | United States

Despite inflationary pressure and the rise of the minimum wage in more than 20 US states, Texas continues to fail to pass state legislation to increase the federal base established in 2009, when the state minimum wage recorded a slight increaseHowever, some cities have taken the initiative and implemented local wage increases to counter the rising cost of living.

Although the state minimum wage remains stagnant, Austin y Houston These are two examples of how some cities have decided to set higher wages to improve the conditions of their workers. In a context where the cost of living continues to rise, these local decisions have generated greater attention on wage differences within the state.

This is the official minimum wage in Texas for 2025

He minimum wage in texas will remain in USD 7.25 per houraccording to the base federalSince 2009, Texas has not implemented any changes to its minimum wage, unlike other states that have decided to raise their rates to counter inflation. Workers in Texas who earn the minimum wage continue to be paid at the same rate that was established more than a decade ago, which has raised concerns in many sectors.

Texas remains one of the states that has not passed legislation to raise its state minimum wage, leaving millions of workers subject to the lowest rates allowed at the federal level.

Which cities in Texas will raise the minimum wage?

Some Texas cities have decided to implement local wage increases. These include:

  • Austin: In October 2023, Austin established a minimum wage of USD 20.80 per hour for municipal workers. This measure aims to improve working conditions and salaries in the city, which has seen a significant increase in the cost of living in recent years.
  • Houston: In a similar effort, Houston has pledged to raise the minimum wage to USD 15 per hour by 2025. This adjustment will be implemented gradually and is intended to alleviate the economic burdens of workers in key sectors.

These local decisions seek to compensate for the lack of a statewide increase, which has led to a disparity in minimum wages between different regions of the state.

Which cities in Texas won’t raise the minimum wage?

While some cities have taken the lead in raising minimum wages, many others in Texas continue to follow suit. base federal of USD 7.25 per hour. Cities like Dallas, Saint Anthony y The Step have not implemented local increases, meaning workers in these areas will continue to earn the state minimum wage.

This lack of increases in various cities reflects a difference in local policies and the cost of living within Texas, creating a significant wage gap across the state.

Dallas is one of the cities in Texas that will not increase the minimum wage and will continue paying $7.25 per hour. Photo: The Alliance

When will the minimum wage increase in Texas?

Currently, there is no concrete date for a state increase in the minimum wage in texas. While many cities have adjusted their wage rates, the state as a whole has been slow to adopt changes in this area. Advocates for wage increases have urged the Texas government to implement an adjustment that reflects the current cost of living and improves conditions for low-income workers.

Raising the statewide minimum wage is an ongoing topic of debate, and many activists continue to push for the state to follow the lead of other regions that have already raised their minimum wages.

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