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Mini sweet martabak recipe filled with dates, contemporary takjil menu page all

KOMPAS.com – You can use dates as a filling to make mini sweet martabak. The sweet taste makes the dish even more delicious.

You can make mini sweet martabak filled with dates for selling ideas or iftar takjil menu. You can make it with a small size apem or teflon mold.

The following is a sweet martabak recipe filled with dates launching a book “25 Creative Processed Dates Recipes” by Lilly T. Erwin published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Also read: Flour Fried Dates Recipe, Processed Dates for Takjil

Mini sweet martabak recipe filled with dates


  • 500 grams of medium protein flour
  • 1/4 tsp coral yeast or granulated yeast, soak in 1 tbsp water
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 100 grams of granulated sugar
  • 600 ml of warm water or coconut milk
  • 100 ml of pure pandan water
  • 3 chicken eggs, separate the yolks and whites
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • Sufficient butter, for greasing

Ingredients (dates)

  • 200 grams of dates, remove seeds and finely chop
  • 150 ml of thick coconut milk
  • 2 pandan leaves, conclude
  • 100 grams of cornstarch
  • 1/4 tsp. Gram
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla powder

Also read: The difference between natural sweet dates and artificial sweetness, don’t choose the wrong one

How to make mini sweet martabak filled with dates

photo" data-photolink="http://www.kompas.com/food/image/2021/04/15/211100175/resep-martabak-manis-mini-isi-kurma-menu-takjil-kekinian?page=2" style="max-width: 100%;width:750px">SHUTTERSTOCK/SASAKEN Illustration of dorayaki, a typical Japanese pancake containing red bean paste. –

1. Dates for stuffing: Bring the coconut milk, cornstarch, salt, vanilla and pandan leaves to a boil and dry slightly.

2. Add finely chopped dates, stir for a while. Lift.

3. Martabak skin: Mix flour with sugar, baking soda, salt, and yeast. Stir while pouring coconut milk or warm water, water with suji pandan leaves, and egg yolk a little at a time.

4. Beat the egg whites until fluffy but not stiff.

Also read: Baked date brownies recipe, contemporary takjil dish

5. Put the suji water into the flour mixture. Also add the egg whites to the mixture, stir again and let stand for about two hours.

6. Prepare the mold, heat it in medium heat until evenly heated. Pour the martabak mixture into the mold, leave it for a moment.

7. Cover the dough until the dough is cooked, flatten the top. Before removing it, grease the top with butter first.

8. Fill the dough of dates on the buttered martabak. Close again for a few moments. Sweet martabak filled with dates is ready to be served.

Also read: Baked Pandan Date Cake Recipe, The Result Is Soft and Soft

Book “25 Creative Processed Dates Recipes” by Lilly T. Erwin published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama can be purchased online at Gramedia.com

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