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Mincul and Unesco Peru carry out a study on the working conditions of art workers

Through the financing of the UNESCO-Aschberg Program for artists and cultural professionals, the Ministry of Culture, with the technical assistance of Unesco Peru, is developing a study that for the first time will provide evidence on the working conditions and particularities of workers and art workers in Peru.

This will make it possible to have information for the development and support of cultural public policies in favor of improving the working conditions of artists, who up to now lack information on the dimension and characteristics of the sector.

The information collection period will be carried out during 2023, through the National Registry of Workers and Organizations of Cultures and the Arts-RENTOCA, of the Ministry of Culture, which aims to generate information to improve policies and public management for workers and organizations dedicated to the arts, cultural industries, and the Nation’s cultural heritage. This record has been improved thanks to this project.

The study also aims to deepen the information collected in the dialogue tables carried out within the framework of the process of formulating the preliminary draft of the Art Worker Law (2021); likewise, make visible the contribution of artists in the revitalization of the culture sector at the national level.

To meet this objective, Unesco Peru and the Ministry of Culture have developed the methodological proposal and the technical sheet of the Study, and will prepare the final report of the “Study on the working conditions of art workers in Peru”. the same one that will be presented in 2024.

In this way, it seeks to advance in the generation of decent and fair working conditions that promote and protect freedom of creation and expression. This is fundamental, given the importance of artistic work for the construction of more cohesive, dialoguing and reflective societies.

Study Methodology.

The Study presents pioneering and innovative methodological advances of its kind within the cultural sector. Progress has been made in estimating the sampling frame and establishing a minimum sample size for records by department. This will allow obtaining relevant data about the cultural and artistic labor market.

The Studio will seek to represent the diversity of art workers. Quotas have been established for the representation of artists from regions, women, Afro-Peruvians, Quechuas, Aymaras, belonging to indigenous peoples and native communities, with disabilities and belonging to the LGTBIQ+ community.

The data collected for the study will be made available publicly and anonymously (without personal data) so that researchers, students and professionals in the sector can use it, with the aim of contributing to the strengthening of information management in the culture sector. in Peru.

Other relevant data.

The study is carried out within the framework of the “Convention on the protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions” of 2005, which establishes the “Collection, analysis and exchange of information and data” as a strategic action for its compliance.

The study and the National Registry of Workers and Organizations of Cultures and the Arts-RENTOCA contribute to compliance with the National Culture Policy by 2030, which establishes among its priorities the “Generation of qualitative and quantitative evidence for decision-making and feedback on cultural policies” within the guideline “Strengthen the capacities of the Ministry of Culture to generate and promote the use of information and knowledge about the sector and cultural policies”.

2023-05-01 17:55:00

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