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Milo Infante, background on Ore 14: “The situation is complicated”

Written by Paolo Parente, on November 8, 2020, in Interviews

Milo Infante's photo

2 pm, Milo Infante reveals a background: “The situation is complicated”

Starting at 2 pm, a time which in fact also appears in the name of the program, Milo Infante precedes in programming Rai2 his colleague Bianca Guaccero, addressing, unlike the latter, the hottest issues of current affairs with the serious attitude of the informant. This time slot, however, which was once the flagship of the network’s daytime, is now in a bit of difficulty, probably also due to the overlap with Today is another day by Serena Bortone, who on Rai1, also necessarily of things, makes a story less sentimental and more focused on the news. In an interview granted to the weekly True Tv, indeed, Milo Infante reveals a background on Ore 14:

This was a strategic band. I find her in a very changed and very complicated situation. There will be hard work and I will do it by rolling up my sleeves. “Test enough and row”, they say in my part.

Milo Infante, vent on the attack on young people: “Adults are more irresponsible”

With Young generations, his other program, Milo Infante he had the opportunity to closely study the habits of the boys, who have recently been very targeted due to the high number of infections. According to the general information, the ever-growing curve of infections is to be attributed to them. The conductor of Ore 14, however, in the interview on True Tv, takes their defense:

The truth is that adults are more irresponsible than young people, but they are less conspicuous. What example do we give them?

Second Milo Infantetherefore, we have not learned enough from our mistakes.

Milo Infante on Serena Bortone: “I really appreciate her”

Some time ago, Milo Infante, host of Live Life, had done another confession. Now, however, in the interview on True Tv, when the overlap of Ore 14 to Serena Bortone’s program Today is another day, he says of her:

I appreciate it very much.

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