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Millionaires and billionaires argue for higher taxes

121 millionaires and billionaires have sent an open letter to all millionaires worldwide. The message: demand that the richest in your countries be taxed more fairly and heavily and prevent tax evasion and avoidance.

“There are two kinds of people in the world,” the letter says, “people who prefer taxes, and people who prefer pitchforks (tax avoidance, ed.). We, the undersigned, prefer taxes. And we believe that after you have thought about it, you will see it that way “.

Inequality is growing and as a result more and more tensions arise within countries, write the millionaires. The climate crisis can therefore be tackled less effectively. “And that is disastrous for everyone, including millionaires and billionaires.”

Eight nationalities

Several Dutch millionaires, including Paul Polman (former Unilever CEO), have also signed the letter. Furthermore, it is mainly Americans and British. A total of eight nationalities are represented. Also filmmaker Abigail Disney, from the Disney family, and the director of the film Love Actually, Richard Curtis have signed the call.

The distribution of the open letter coincides with the meeting of world leaders, top entrepreneurs and thinkers at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Last year, Dutch publicist Rutger Bregman gave a speech – which has since been widely shared – in which he said that there is not enough talk about how much tax the richest people pay. “Tax, tax, tax,” he cried, “the rest is bullshit. “

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