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Milkov: If RS Macedonia continues like this – veto – Bulgaria

“If RS Macedonia continues to behave like this, it is possible that we will veto again. It is cynicism to discuss eco-path projects with the Republic of Macedonia while Pendikov is in hospital.”

This was stated by Foreign Minister Nikolay Milkov at a meeting of the Committee on Foreign Policy. The Chairperson of the Commission, Ekaterina Zaharieva, also invited Ambassador Angel Angelov to the hearing, from whom the people’s representatives could learn first-hand about the situation in the Republic of Macedonia and the attitude towards citizens with a Bulgarian identity there. The hearing took place after the brutal beating inflicted on Macedonian Bulgarian Hristiyan Pendikov, reports BGNES.

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Milkov specified that Bulgaria is open to dialogue if projects for the protection of Bulgarians in the Republic of Macedonia are discussed and they will be on the agenda:

“He cannot receive threats to his life while Hristiyan Pendikov is lying in hospital, this speaks of complete impunity and conviction that these people will not be identified by the authorities in the Republic of Macedonia. Within the framework of all international organizations, of bilateral dialogue, of the EU, the question will be raised before the Organization for Security and Cooperation, as well as before the Council of Europe. Things cannot go on as they were. It must be clearly understood that things must also change, we will look at a number of components and elements of our bilateral cooperation.”

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“Our ambassador will be out of the Republic of Macedonia until we see signs of some change and an opportunity for him to come back. This is a sign of a firm attitude that it cannot go on like this any longer. We have many declarations, but we want actions – punishment of people who have committed crimes against Bulgarians in the Republic of Macedonia. We all remember how the arsonist of a Bulgarian club in the Macedonian country received a suspended sentence and then sang at the rallies there. That’s how he became a national hero,” Milkov emphasized.

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“The main problem is that anti-Bulgarian speech was not punished by the actions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Republic of Macedonia,” said Ambassador Angel Angelov for his part.

“It is not possible for the foreign minister of the Republic of Macedonia to come to Sofia, talk to Pendikov and touch on the subject of a hate attack, and yesterday evening the deputy minister of local self-government appear on some program and say that Hristiyan was attacked because there was a clash with drug dealers and that was all the criminal activity,” Ambassador Angelov explained.

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He emphasized that the accusations of some criminal activity, which the authorities in Skopje want to impute to the victim of the brutal attack, are inadmissible.

“The claims that Pendikov was tried for selling drugs are inadmissible. He left the country with his passport, passing border control, that is, no one is looking for him,” explained Ambassador Angelov.

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He stated that Pendikov applied for Bulgarian citizenship at the end of December with a criminal record issued by the Republic of Macedonia.

“To publish such fake news is unthinkable,” said Ambassador Angelov.

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