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Milk with Spices: The Best Way to Boost Health and Immunity in Winter

Drinking milk with spices in winter is one of the best ways to improve health and immunity in the season when there is the greatest risk of getting sick with infectious diseases. Russian nutritionist Dr. Vasilisa Ponomareva says that in this case, the more suitable are fennel, cloves, turmeric, saffron, cinnamon, ginger. DillConsumption of milk with the addition of this spice helps against depression, which often occurs in winter due to the lack of light. In addition, fennel has the properties to relieve inflammation and swelling, relieve pain, prevent flatulence and improve the complexion. Cloves The combination of cloves and allspice is recommended for insomnia and psychological stress. In addition, a spice like cloves is a strong antiseptic and is especially effective in protecting health when it is damp or cold outside.TurmericIf you add this spice to milk, you get a drink with a strong immune system strengthening effect. Drinking this milk is useful to prevent colds. It also helps prevent inflammatory processes in the joints and normalizes liver function. Saffron The doctor recommends drinking the milk drink with the addition of this spice in the morning. In this case, this composition stimulates brain activity and helps to cheer you up. Saffron helps the absorption of milk even for those who do not tolerate it well. Cinnamon The consumption of a drink with this spice is also good in the morning. Milk with cinnamon normalizes the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys and gall bladder. It is best to use cinnamon sticks.Ginger This drink stimulates the elimination of toxins from the body, thus strengthening the immune system. Another useful property of ginger is its ability to normalize the functioning of the human digestive system. This spice improves appetite and is also useful in case of fat or cholesterol metabolism disorders. Ginger accelerates the metabolism, thus stimulating the process of burning calories. In addition, it facilitates the breakdown and absorption of food and regulates peristalsis, according to actualno.com, quoted by exquis.ro.

Source: ReplicaOnline.ro

2023-12-22 23:52:55
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