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Milk Can Increase Bad Cholesterol, Really?

Monday, March 21, 2022 – 13:28 WIB

VIVACholesterol not only fat, as is widely believed. It is a type of lipid sterol, which consists of fat and protein. Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in the blood that is needed by the body to build healthy cells.

So, not unhealthy, unless levels of bad or Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) increases to dangerous levels. While high-density lipoprotein (HDL) helps improve heart health, LDL if it builds up in the blood vessels can cause heart problems.

The food and drinks we consume contain these two types of cholesterol. For better health, one only needs to increase the intake of good cholesterol and avoid the bad. However, there is a myth circulating that drinking milk can increase the rate bad cholesterol. really?

According to a new study published in the International Journal of Obesity, drinking milk does not have a major impact on cholesterol levels.

After a complicated research process, it was concluded that drinking milk can actually help lower bad cholesterol levels. In addition, the findings revealed, people who consume milk regularly, 14 percent less likely to suffer from coronary heart disease.

Moderate intake of dairy will not increase cholesterol levels or cause weight gain. These findings clearly show that we don’t need to reduce our milk intake to maintain a healthy heart, as the impact is minimal.

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