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military expert announced the date – TSN Exclusive

September was the first month since the beginning of the war when Russia attack Ukraine every day with suicide bombers. In total, the enemy launched 1,339 attack UAVs, of which 1,107 were shot down by electronic warfare.

At the same time, the Russian army was stockpiling missiles and preparing for the upcoming major attacks on Ukraine. And Zaporozhye, Kharkov, Sumy and Kherson were regularly forced by KAB.

Is Russia capable of continuous attacks with the same intensity? Is the air defense of Ukraine ready for such challenges? How many missiles the Russian army has accumulated and which cities KABs could terrorize – read the material TSN.ua.

What is Russia trying to achieve with suicide attacks?

The main goal of the Russian suicide attacks is to “dry out” the Ukrainian air defense system. This opinion was expressed in a statement to the TSN.ua website by Roman Svitan, a military expert, instructor pilot and reserve colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

According to him, the enemy is therefore trying to pull out the largest number of interceptor missiles and determine the location of air defense systems.

“Reconnaissance drones accompanied the martyrs. They determined the location of our air defense systems and the algorithm of actions to destroy drones. They are trying to accomplish this task. As soon as they realize that they have “dried up”, a missile attack may follow“, said Roman Svitan.

Russia may launch a missile strike on October 7

A military expert believes that the Russian army is already ready for a major attack on Ukraine, and that it could happen at any time. More than a month has passed since the last strike and the enemy has collected more than a hundred missiles at this time.

“But they will decide to strike, maybe based on some political ability. For example, around October 7 (on Putin’s birthday – right.). Or after they have definitely confirmed that they have “dried up” the entire air defense system,” suggested Roman Svitan.

He noted that in Russia they can make 15-20 “shaheeds” per day. Now, he said, the Russian army is using drones collected this summer. However, after the stocks in warehouses in the Russian Federation run out, they may work from wheels.

“That is, about the same 15-20 suicide bombs are used every day,” the military expert believes.

Is Ukraine’s air defense ready to be tested by suicide bombers?

Roman Svitan says that the air defense forces of Ukraine have mechanisms to destroy suicide bombers without using a large number of missiles.

“We have a good electronic warfare system now and it almost blinds the suicide bombers. ” They go and get lost. At least according to radio control. That means they will fall to the ground. We now have a fairly good concentration of mobile ground forces and anti-aircraft gun systems. And when several lines of defense are not shooting down the “martyr”, only then will they fire a shot. In addition, aircraft also successfully perform combat missions,” said the military expert.

He believes that the army of Ukraine should in the future “cheaper” against Russian dronesbecause the enemy is not going to slow down the pace of attacks.

“To do this, in addition to increasing the number of suicide bombers, it is better to buy several squadrons of light aircraft such as the Embraer EMB 314 Super Tucano.” In one flight, he can put down up to a dozen suicide bombers and an hour of flight costs up to $500 at least on the right bank, light aircraft perform these tasks successfully,” says Roman Svitan.

Russia is preparing for energy attacks

Roman Svitan believes that with the onset of cold weather in Ukraine, the main work of the Russian army will again hit the energy infrastructure.

“If we don’t fight back. That is, if we destroy the European part of Russia with our long-range weapons, they will have no place to hit it. They will understand that we will “push” further. So, they can, as they say, calm down,” said the military expert.

Today, he said, the enemy has more than a thousand missiles in stock, which will be enough for ten major attacks. According to Roman Svitan, the Russian army will try to access the energy distribution systems. However it won’t hit nuclear power plants.

“They will be afraid of a backlash, a real reaction from the world community. They will not attack nuclear energy. But they will try to reach distribution systems, step-up transformers, feeders, and power lines with “martyrs” and missiles. According to the possibilities,” says Roman Svitan.

Winter 2024-2025 in Ukraine, according to a military expert, will be the same as the previous one.

“The winter will certainly be turbulent. But if we take timely measures to cover the power redistribution system and buy transformers and some equipment for transferring electricity, so that they are always in stock, we can prepare for an attack ,” says Roman Svitan.

Where Russia gets KABs

The main type of weapon used by Russia to terrorize the Ukrainian frontline cities of Kharkov, Zaporozhye, Sumy and Kherson is the FAB-500.

“It’s a free-falling bomb. It is suspended by correction systems called, that is, “wings” – for understanding. They make it possible to use simple aerial bombs, of which the Russians have thousands, or even tens of thousands What was left after the Soviet Union made the glide bomb. The planning area is somewhere up to 70 km,” said Roman Svitan.

The Russian army has been using such aerial bombs to attack civilian cities for the second year now, and they have now reached mass production levels of planning systems for them.

“And they’re already moving on— he adds an engine. That is, they made a gliding bomb from a free-falling one. And they almost make a rocket out of it – a subsonic cruise missile with a special flight path,” explained Roman Svitan.

According to a military expert, when the launcher has a motor and a thermal signature, it will be easier to destroy it – with the help of anti-aircraft missile systems and interceptor aircraft.

“The best option is to destroy the Russian planes that are dropping these KABs. They can now reach a depth of approx 50 kilometers from the front line or border line. Why do we have a big problem with Sumy, Kharkov, Kherson? But after design systems began to reach up to 100 kilometersalso with Zaporozhye,” says Roman Svitan.

Ukrainian cities and regions will suffer from attacks from KABs until we stop the possibility of Russian aircraft approaching the borders, explained the military expert.

“And this can only be done with the help of a sufficient number of Patriot or SAMP/T missile systems and F-16 aircraft with long-range weapons, of course, flight radars are needed to identify these targets. That is, it is best to counter KABs by countering carriers – destroying Russian aircraft in the air or from the ground – with long-range weapons, trying the ranges- air where these planes arrive,” said Roman Svitan.

According to him, now Russia cannot deliver CAB to frontline cities or other borders. For example, to they hit the Dnieperthe Russian army must go to Pavlograd, Dnepropetrovsk region.

“And this is impossible,” said Roman Svitan.

Let us remind that in Zaporozhye the number of victims increased to 35 people, including three children. It was also reported that a 70-year-old man died as a result of the Russian attack. These are the effects of the sluicewhich the infidels did the day before with guided air bombs.

You can watch the video on TSN’s YouTube channel at this link: STRIKE TO ZAPORIZHYA! THE NUMBER CONTINUES TO GROW

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2024-10-04 08:41:37

#military #expert #announced #date #TSN #Exclusive

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