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Milik, no Rome. The Pole disappointed! What happens now? Two hypotheses for the player

Arek Milik’s transfer to Rome skipped, the Polish striker greatly disappointed by the conclusion of the deal.

The market triangle between Naples, Rome and Juventus has blown! The Morata deal was closed today and Dzeko was now out of his Juventus goal list. Napoli, therefore, lost the opportunity to monetize Arek Milik expiring and out of the project, and Rome to rejuvenate its attacking pool with a lot of capital gains. But no one today can be as desperate as Milik. The Polish, as collected by Calciomercato.it, was by now enthusiastic about the idea of ​​becoming the Roma center forward and could not wait to start his new life in the capital.

Now his agents have a very complex mission: to find him a new club within two weeks. It will be almost impossible to present the very rich Roma offer (which, including bonuses, well exceeded 5 million), but there are some teams on his trail. For now, the former Ajax has declined the courtship of Leipzig and Bayer Leverkusen (he does not want to return to the Bundesliga), and in Serie A, besides Roma, only Fiorentina have tried with some timid poll. Atletico Madrid, after the video call of the ds Berta, never showed up again. In the next few days his entourage will try to strike up new negotiations in the Premier League (the Newcastle) experiencing a race against time. David Pantak and his collaborators will have to start from scratch after more than a month to work on the Rome hypothesis, complete with a trip to Switzerland and medical visits. It will be tough, but the alternative would be one season as a separate home to Napoli, putting at risk participation in the Europeans.

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