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“Milei wants to pulverize the salary” | From Unión por la Patria they went to the libertarian intersection

The general repudiation of the sayings of Javier Miley that promoted the exchange rate run had a new chapter this Wednesday. Several leaders and candidates of the ruling party came out to confront the far-right candidate, whom they accused of stealing votes at the expense of complicating the country’s economic situation. The Minister of Community Development of the province of Buenos Aires, Andres Larroquetook the lead and described the leaders of La Libertad Avanza as “sepoys and traitors” for trying “pulverize the national currency” with his statements against the weight.

“If there is an excrement here, it is the sepoys and country-sellers who, out of electoral interest and in the logic of pulverizing the national currency to leave the country with less sovereign capacity, offer themselves to this horrible spectacle”said Larroque. “Evidently they are very concerned about the recovery of the initiative by the Minister of Economy and presidential candidate Sergio Massa, and everything that has been generated in recent weeks has put them in a desperate situation,” he added.

Larroque put Mauricio Macri in that same bag of “irresponsible movements that want to rip off the country”, whom he said “is undoubtedly playing with Milei.” “This group of irresponsible people wants to raffle the country. They are making the final effort to compromise an election that started out complicated for us in the PASO, but that later began to take on a different color,” assessed the Buenos Aires official.

“As always, we are going to put our best foot forward, confront the speculators because Peronism is the only guarantee that Argentines have that they will not destroy their salary and savings,” Larroque analyzed and completed: “There is a much stronger degree of identification with Sergio Massa on behalf of the militancy and citizens in general.”

“Irresponsible statements”

Also Massa’s chief of staff and candidate for vice president, Agustín Rossimaintained from Salta, where he arrived as part of his tour of the great north, that “Javier Milei has made clearly irresponsible statements.” For Rossi, Mieli’s statements “have impacted everything that was the exchange rate and we hope to control it.” , he said and appealed “to the democratic responsibility of each candidate not to go around saying things.”

From Salta, Rossi highlighted that Unión por la Patria “represents a federal project. In contrast to Milei, who says that he is going to reduce co-participation and public works, we put more than 100 billion pesos into public works in these three and a half years in Salta. “We are going to continue working because we believe in an integrated country.”he added.

“Timba or productive Argentina”

Another who took direct aim at the far-right for promoting the bullfight was the Peronist governor of La Pampa, Sergio Ziliotto, who received the Secretary of Industry, José De Mendiguren, in his province. He said that Milei is part of “the sector that always puts a spanner in the works, that throws everything overboard with the exchange rate run trying to get some more votes.” For the governor, the libertarian “they have no itch to raise doubts” on the future of the economy, which affects regional investments.

“They are always going to have us defending a present State. We know well that the market is not going to solve anything,” he attacked and concluded that the “real rift” is between “the productive Argentina” and “the one that is timbea.”

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