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Milan, Pioli does not recover anyone even against Fiorentina

It still burns elimination from the Europa League but Milan’s Stefano Pioli must go on to try to fight for the Scudetto in this last phase of the season.

On Saturday the club will play at 18.00 Fiorentina away from home. Too bad there are no good news in sight: they will be missing as happened against United six players including four forwards.

Calabria was operated on in the afternoon in Milan a following the medial meniscus injury of the right knee. The operation was perfectly successful but the recovery times are long and we are talking about at least a month.

The last tile for the technical which comes at a really bad time even if the team will try to take advantage of the break for the national teams to recover players and mental and physical energy.

Then there is Leao that has an injury to the left hamstring and it should re-enter, as well as Romagnoli, in early April. Rebic has back problems and a two-day disqualification (disqualification which the club has made use of and which is said to not be accepted).

Real mysterious object the purchase of January, Mandzukic, of which there are no traces from the first leg with the Red Star: he should return after the break but the conditional is a must and there is no certainty.

In attack, therefore, the coach, against Prandelli’s team, does not have much choice, if not that to deploy Ibrahimovic which is still not in top form or put next to the Swedish one between Castillejo e Diaz.

Diaz himself, interviewed by Sky, tried to load his team: “I come from an injury that kept me inactive for just over a month, so I’m finding my rhythm again. I feel very good, I hope I can be decisive and make a difference with my teammates to express ourselves to the fullest until the end”.

OMNISPORT | 19-03-2021 22:57

Milan, Pioli does not recover anyone even against Fiorentina Fonte: Getty Images – – .

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