Home » today » News » Milan, on a scooter against a truck: a 31 year old serious

Milan, on a scooter against a truck: a 31 year old serious

The woman, according to what was reconstructed by the local police who are still on the spot for the reliefs, walked along via Bruschetti, in the area of ​​the Central station, going towards via Braga, essentially going from the railway towards via Melchiorre Gioia, when at the intersection with via Edolo , from the first reconstructions it seems that it did not give precedence and hit the right side of the scooter against a van, to then be hit. Started in red code, it was then placed in prognosis reserved for Niguarda. A 44-year-old Italian was driving the van.

Also according to a first reconstruction of the local police officers, the scooter was not shared but was probably owned by the wound who did not wear a protective helmet.

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