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Milan falls with Napoli: Inter flies away and the Champions area ignites

He decides a goal from Politano in a match where the Rossoneri have been opaque. The fight from second to fourth place is a brawl. Rebic expelled

The best omen turned into the worst case scenario. After two decisive steps forward – Verona, United -, full of beautiful things and a pink-tinged future, for Milan here is a cold shower: Napoli beat San Siro 1-0 with a goal from Politano and it is a knockout that weighs three times. Because it allows Inter to fly away at +9, because it serves a full meal to a direct opponent for the Champions League and because it obscures the certainties gained in previous matches.

The Meazza is once again confirmed as little friend of the Devil: four home defeats in the last seven appearances in the league. A stadium, indeed “his” stadium, which Gattuso violates. Happy for having given a show of strength in a very complicated situation in personal terms (in the meantime I am now 10 points in four races), but perhaps a little less happy for having given a bad slap to his brighter past. Napoli had not won away from home since January 10th and this success has a disruptive effect on the fight for the Champions League. Now, excluding Inter, there are five teams in six points for three places. It will be tussle until the end of the championship.

The choices

The infirmary returned three players to Pioli in one fell swoop – Hernandez, Calhanoglu and Rebic – but lost another one along the way, Calabria. So: Dalot on the right and Tomori, who became a guarantee in a few games, in place of Romagnoli, still injured. In between, however, there was a novelty, namely the return of Gabbia (he had been missing since December 13, the day of the knee injury), facilitated by the non-optimal conditions of Kjaer, saved in view of the return with United. A totally new defense. In the median Tonali saw himself from the beginning, Castillejo on the trocar, Calhanoglu on the return and Krunic preferred to Rebic. In front, as usual, Leao. Gattuso also had to face various problems, forced to leave for Milan without Lozano, Rrahmani and Manolas. In practice, an almost obligatory defense with Maksimovic next to Koulibaly, and Hysaj and Di Lorenzo (the alternative in the center could have been him) outside. Median and trocar were the expected ones and the big ballot of the week for the center forward shirt brought Mertens home, with Osimhen ready to take over. An obligatory relay, since both do not yet have 90 in their legs.

Differences in range

The first half did not offer an unforgettable show. Teams are very careful to stay as short as possible and, after about ten minutes in the middle ground, the inertia has shifted to the side of Napoli. Better in the dribble, in the technique and in the precision than Milan, but too smoky at the time of concluding or the last pass. On the points, however, the Azzurri are better, especially for greater effectiveness in the band. Insigne has often bet Dalot and Hysaj in particular has hammered a lot on the left bank, forcing Castillejo to be very cautious, a little too low compared to his habits. The challenge on the other lane was more balanced because Hernandez with his tears did not allow Politano a constant pressure. The best advantage of Napoli was the authority with which he took possession of the match, that of Milan the humility to accept the opponent’s technical superiority without getting upset and without getting scared, but still closing the spaces quite well. The clearest opportunity ended up on Zielinski’s left, primed by Insigne, who went out. The blue 20, served in the race and without problems in marking, could have done much better. The rest were flashes: Hernandez first triggered Leao, blocked by Ospina, and then Calhanoglu’s right-footed shot (high), still in evident running-in as well as Mertens, little sought after and not very reactive with the ball between his feet. Zielinski again, neutralized by Donnarumma, and it was all for the first fraction.


Napoli went to the fourth minute of the second half and the goal is consistent with what we saw in the first 45 because it was propitiated by the mistakes of Milan, who made mistakes several times in the same action. First Dalot out (bad passage for Castillejo, anticipated by Hysaj), then Kessie punctured the advance and finally the defensive structure, which allowed Politano to present himself in front of Donnarumma with Hernandez out of position. The right of the blue winger was absolutely not much, a bit choked, slow but mocking enough to overtake Donnarumma. An opaque Milan, visibly tired after the intensity of the match against United and not very incisive in attack. In fact, Pioli in the quarter of an hour changed the trocar as a whole: inside Saelemaekers, Diaz and Rebic, while Gattuso on the other side removed Mertens from the scene for Osimhen. The triple novelty gave its effects because at that point the management became Rossoneri. A Milan regenerated in athletic terms, but not yet sufficiently effective in the goal area. At 20 ‘the clearest opportunity of the challenge: a perfect cross by Rebic for Leao, who, a stone’s throw from the goal, hit with a flat right with extreme softness. A colossal meal. Then again Rebic, who exalted Ospina’s reflexes with his head. Rossoneri protests over Bakayoko’s intervention in the area on Hernandez, whom Pasqua reviewed at the Var, evaluating him not by penalty. Milan tried until the end, but using the belly of the head more. That Rebic lost in the recovery: direct red for not very nice sentences to the referee. A great nonsense even in light of Leao’s exit from the camp, apparently due to muscular problems.

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