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Milan dominate Sampdoria, are first and do not have the weight of the cups: Pioli can believe in the Scudetto even without Ibra | First page

Successful double overtaking, with a provisional point more than Inter who must recover a game, and two sure of an advantage over Napoli. Right in the result, Milan’s success has only the wrong of being a liar in the score, because the 1-0 signed by the wild Leao does not reflect the one-way street of a match dominated by the Rossoneri for all 98 minutes, including recoveries. Immediately ahead, Pioli’s team produces little in the first half but a lot in the second half, demonstrating an excellent physical condition, enhancing the reflexes of Wladimiro Falconethe twenty-six-year-old Sampdoria goalkeeper, by far the best in the field of the former Giampaolo’s team, who repeatedly denies the doubling to Messias, Giroud, Romagnoli, Tonali and Rebic. And just thinking back to all these missed opportunities for the 2-0, two positive reflections can be made for the Rossoneri. First of all, as often happens in such cases, a final mockery was avoided. And then, more generally, remembering the names of those who could have doubled, it is now clear that this Milan can aim for the Scudetto even without Ibrahimovicbecause those who play from the beginning like Leao, or those who enter the final like Rebic and Saelemaekers know how to make themselves dangerous, demonstrating that Pioli has done an extraordinary job, because Milan are a real team.

100 OF THESE LEAO – A flash of the unleashed Leao, in fact, is enough to guarantee the Rossoneri a first half of absolute tranquility. In the face of construction from below, which often causes dangerous back passages, Maignan launches very long for the Portuguese who bypasses his neighbor Bereszynski and beats Falcone with a perfect right-footed diagonal. It is the goal number 23 with Leao’s Rossoneri shirt (in the hundredth presence), which is worth 1-0 after just 8 ‘. Having avoided the risk of being entangled in the initial 0-0, Milan made the mistake of falling asleep before the match.

INVISIBLE SAMPDORIATomori’s full-time return to the center of defense alongside captain Romagnoli is a newfound confidence, who keeps away the only striker Caputo, supported too little by Candreva on the right and by the fresh ex Interista Sensi behind. Slow and awkward in the construction, because Thorsby and Rincon cannot anticipate their opposite Tonali and Bennacer, Giampaolo’s invisible team watches helplessly as the Rossoneri’s slow and monotonous routine takes place, which exceed in the side passages or worse backwards. Calabria remained on the right and Florenzi hijacked on the left, to replace the suspended Hernandez they never push and since Diaz seems to have returned to post-Covid condition, Giroud remains without supplies at the center of the attack, between the evanescent Messias and the sparkling Leaothe only one able to turn on the light.

LAMPI MESSIAS – The first half drags on without emotion until, in the final, first Giroud with an oversized conclusion and then Messias scare Falcone, good at deflecting the very dangerous left foot of the Brazilian for a corner. Enough to show that Milan deserves the advantage, even for the serious limitations of Sampdoria never playing. This impression was immediately confirmed at the beginning of the second half, when Messias finally in the game was close to doubling.

TRIPLE CHANGES – Suddenly, however, Sampdoria offers signs of awakening thanks to Candreva who makes the first shot in the face of the opponent’s goal, blocked without problems by Maignan. Giampaolo begins to believe in a draw and to make his dream come true he makes three changes at the same time: out of Murru, Conti and Thorsby and here they are. Augello, Vieira ed Ekdal. A move imitated immediately afterwards by Pioli which recalls the disappointing Diaz and above all Messias and Leao, inserting the whistled Kessiebecause at the start, Saelemaekers e Rebic.

GIROUD FROM APPLAUSE – Without the offensive ideas of Messias and Leao, the only one able to guarantee scoring chances remains Giroud and it is no coincidence that he is close to doubling with a half overturned by applause that Falcone instinctively rejects, denying him a goal to frame. A feat that is anything but isolated, because shortly after Giroud is good at deflecting a ball with his head that would slip under the crossbar if Falcone did not repeat himself by lifting it in the corner. Then Romagnoli also tried with his head, Rebic in the running and also Tonali on Falcone’s rebound, but the Sampdoria goalkeeper saved everything at all. And so it only ends 1-0. Little for what Milan produced, but enough to overcome Inter and Napoli. With the double advantage of spending a week at the top of the standings, without wasting precious energy in the cups.


Milan 1-0 Sampdoria (first half 1-0)

Scorers: 7 ‘pt Leao (Mil)

Assist: 7′ pt Maignan (Mil)

MILAN (4-2-3-1): Maignan; Calabria, Tomori, Romagnoli, Florenzi (from 43 ‘st Kalulu); Tonali, Bennacer (from 29 ‘st Krunic); Messias (from 10 ‘st Saelemaekers), Brahim Diaz (from 11 st Kessie), Leao (from 11’ st Kessie); Giroud. Available: Tatarusanu, Mirante, Ballo-Touré, Kalulu, Krunic, Kessie, Bakayoko, Castillejo, Saelemaekers, Maldini, Rebic All .: Pioli.

SAMPDORIA (3-5-1-1): Falcone; Bereszyński, Colley, Magnani; Conti (from 8 st Vieira), Candreva (from 39 ‘st Sabiri), Rincón (from 27’ st Quagliarella), Thorsby (from 8 st Ekdal), Murru (from 8 st Augello); Senses; Caputo. Available: Audero, Ravaglia; Augello, Bonfanti, Ferrari; Ekdal, Sabiri, Trimboli, Vieira; Quagliarella, Supriaha. Coach: Giampaolo.

Bookings: 10 ‘pt Rincon (Samp), 18’ pt Diaz (Mil), 25 ‘pt Romagnoli (Mil), 15’ st Bennacer (Mil)

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