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Milan-De Ketelaere, these are decisive hours: two cards to have the yes of Bruges


Either way, by the end of this week, the soap opera Charles De Keteleare will have its conclusion. After weeks of rumors, indiscretions and above all negotiations, we have reached the decisive moment: in the next three days, at the latest on Sunday, Bruges will give the definitive answer to Milan’s latest offer of 30 million euros plus two bonuses. The Belgian club asks for 35, but the Via Aldo Rossi club, as reported this morning by La Gazzetta dello Sport, has two cards to play to convince him to say yes.

TWO CARDS – First of all, the Devil relies heavily on the will of the player who has clearly told Bruges that he only wants Milan. No Leeds, therefore, or other English teams that are ready to put more money on the plate than the Rossoneri. To convince Bruges, then, the AC Milan club could agree to grant the Belgians a (low) percentage on a future resale of De Ketelaere. It is a card that the Devil has in his pocket and that could be played in this final sprint.

PALLA TO THE BRUGES – Everything is now in the hands of Bruges who, in case of non-transfer to Milan, will find themselves at a crossroads as the young attacking midfielder’s contract expires in 2024 and will not be renewed: either Charles accepts Leeds or another destination or you will enter the penultimate year of the contract and at that point it will not be easy to sell it at high figures. In via Aldo Rossi they are anxiously awaiting the response of the Belgians, but they have already prepared the alternative in case of a new refusal: it is Hakim Ziyech of Chelsea.

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