Mikko “Peltsi” Peltola’s son has Down syndrome. Peltola talks about family life in Aki Linnanahte’s podcast.

Mikko “Peltsi” Peltola is the father of two children. Inka Soverei
Reporter Mikko “Peltsi” Peltola, 50, tells Aki Linnanahti in a recent article Aki Linnanahde talk show in an episode of the podcast about his family life.
In the field and his thingumajig-wife has two children together: a daughter born in 2010 and a son born in 2012.
Arable land Osmo– son has Down’s syndrome. In the podcast, Peltola tells what life is like with a special child.
According to Peltola, a down child does not necessarily become independent in the same way as a normal child. However, he wants to remind you that every special child is his own individual, and he cannot speak for everyone.
– Such a child requires a little more attention and work, Peltola describes in the episode.
Mikko Peltola and her husband Anu are the parents of a special child. Mikko Huisko
Peltola has mostly only positive things to say about life with a down child. He especially praises the Finnish school system, which has created its own personal curriculum for special children.
– Our school system works well. There is a group of special children in the regular school and they are taken into account quite well.
– In the beginning, applying for various subsidies and the bureaucracy was a bit heavy. Back then, sometimes some crazy person could fly, but now it’s been pretty easy, he continues in the podcast.
Life with a down child is sometimes quite funny. Osmo might say surprising things in a public place or hug a store clerk spontaneously.
– At one point he publicly called his mother a muja, now he calls his mother a woman. And I’m always Mikko Peltola, Peltola laughs.
– Humor is very much present all the time, he adds.
My own TV show
Peltola would like other people to learn from down people about positive frankness.
– We know how to be outspoken on social media, but in a bad way. If we learned how to say compliments face-to-face and maybe some kind of light-heartedness and relaxed approach to things. Things don’t always have to be exactly that straight-forward. Our son doesn’t straighten the hairs of the carpet much at home, Peltola sums up.
Peltola and Osmo-poika were able to make a joint TV program this year, which will see the light of day at the end of the year. In the program, the duo tour Finland’s national parks and learn about camping, nature and also about each other.
– Osmo is really excited about this. He has told everyone at school that he will become a TV star, Peltola reveals.
Aki Linnanahde talk show -podcast can be listened to on Podimo.
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