Musician Mikko Kosonen shares his opinion on social media about the concert commotion that made headlines.

On Friday, the Finnish baroque orchestra in the picture took a stand on the commotion together with the Helsinki Chamber Choir. Juuso Westerlund, Finnish Baroque Orchestra
Musician and Maija Vilkkumaa’s husband Mikko Kosonen shares his direct opinion on the concert scandal that has been talked about in recent days on his Instagram account.
– It’s somehow ironic that the same members of parliament, who make huge cultural cuts without even flinching, disapprove of the cancellation of a single baroque concert, Kosonen begins.
– Yes, the cancellation was a strange and hasty decision by the school, but really a very rare case that does not threaten the Finnish cultural heritage, unlike the systematic denigration of cultural actors and Yleisradio, Kosonen writes.
Mikko Kosonen is amazed at the behavior of politicians. Jenni Host
This is what it’s all about
Helsingin Sanomat reported earlier this week that the joint performance of the Finnish Baroque Orchestra and the Helsinki Chamber Choir was canceled at an elementary school in Uusimaa due to the religious references it contained. It was about Georg Friedrich Handelin composed by Messiah-an oratorio based on the life of Jesus.
Kajander says that according to the show’s project producer, the cancellation was influenced by last year’s incident in Hämeenlinna, where a non-religious child had heard a song about Jesus at school.
The Equality and Equality Board decided last week that the city of Hämeenlinna will have to pay 1,500 euros in compensation to the child due to discrimination. A similar decision has not been issued in Finland before.
Executive director of the orchestra Laura Kajander said he was upset about it.
– I also talked with the representatives of the choir, the chairman of our board and the artistic designers.
– Yes, we share this, what the heck – of course, each of us with different emphasis, he said in an interview with Iltalehti.
Politicians, including the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Sari Essayah (kd) and MP Mika Lintilä from the Center of Parliament, expressed their shock on social media regarding the topic.
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