Home » today » World » Mikhail Mikov: There is a silent majority in our party, which is afraid to criticize Ninova on forums, but murmurs on the sidelines* – 2024-08-10 09:18:55

Mikhail Mikov: There is a silent majority in our party, which is afraid to criticize Ninova on forums, but murmurs on the sidelines* – 2024-08-10 09:18:55

/ world today news/ A crazy change to the constitution, which carries a lot of demagoguery, declared the former leader of the BSP, now a member of the National Council, Mihail Mikov in an interview with Liliana Klisurova for 24 hours.

– Mr. Mikov, the rulers have announced that they are preparing changes to the constitution, which will abolish the statute of limitations for crimes in privatization transactions. As a lawyer, how would you comment on this idea?

– It is about an insane change of the constitution, which carries a lot of demagoguery, but will not lead to any result. Prescription is not an accidental institution. And all people are aware that after 20 years have passed, a large part of the witnesses have gone to the afterlife, Alexander Bozhkov’s light finger, a large part of the archives have been destroyed. And one can only speculate with the fair public feeling that privatization, as part of the transition, was a ruinous process. A process of plunder that made some overnight capitalists and others whose labor went into these enterprises got the short end of the stick.

– Why is this change being made?

– To give something to the audience. To give her some hope. To demonstrate some attempt at justice without considering that people will be doubly disappointed in 3 or 5 years when they see it was just another pacifier.

– I mean do you think there will be no condemned and ruined privatization deals?

– If it was a matter of restoring the stolen property, that is another topic. There, the mechanisms are civil-legal, and when violations are discovered, if the state and politicians have the will, they can adopt such a law. In these cases, you do not need to revise the constitution regarding the statute of limitations. But, if such violations are found, you can impose civil legal consequences, including up to restitution of the stolen goods. But this is not offered.

– How will you comment on the decision of the plenary to have Cornelia Ninova become a co-sponsor of this GERB proposal, even though the BSP will vote against it in the plenary?

– I can hardly comment on something that I cannot explain with some arguments based on law and politics. And those who defended this decision of the National Council did not bring out any arguments. they repeated like parrots: She must sign. Perhaps it is about understanding that to the extent that she participates in these processes, this idea is also a direct attack on her. But this cannot be an argument for support.

– Is there any basis for the version that there is a deal between Borisov and Ninova – Glavchev’s resignation against her support?

– If there is such a deal, it is very dishonest. I cannot know, such deals are not made in front of witnesses.

– How do you think the BSP is doing at the moment? Only in the 6th month after the start of the parliament, he managed to cause the overthrow of his boss. Is it a strong opposition?

– I am in the delicate situation that if I share what I think, I can be accused of attacking the current BSP leadership.

– They blame you anyway…

– You know that in the BSP it is currently fashionable to create groups, nines, etc. of enemies with party tickets. But there is a feeling in society and I personally share it – there is no ideological and political clash. Scandals are personalized, personal. No matter how loud they are, they do not cover the big problems facing Bulgaria today. The solutions to these problems do not sound.

I can list several of them that I do not see reshaped in legislative changes. First, progressive income taxation to reduce this rampant redistribution – an injustice that alienates hundreds of thousands and directs them to Terminal 2.

– BSP proposed it with the alternative budget?

– It cannot be between the two readings of the budget. Such a bill should have been introduced since you sincerely wanted it………………………..

Or the big question about the demographic catastrophe – where are these 4-5 measures that will help solve it. Or the decline of Northwestern Bulgaria. There are no such measures, no directed national or European resources to overcome this decline.

– Do you criticize that the BSP does not propose concrete measures?

– That’s what I see. On the other hand, intra-party seditions are going full steam ahead. And the clearing out of the inconvenient, because any opinion different from the straight line of the leadership is taken as some kind of opposition. This is how the figure of the opposition in the BSP was invented as a justification for one or another action or inaction of the leadership.

– You are one of those nine whom Ninova criticized at the congress…

– You include me in them. So far no one from the management has announced me personally and I was already feeling a bit worried. And who are the other 8? Or are the lists different, according to needs in the center and in places?

– How did you feel after this congress – we all got the impression that its purpose was the public lynching of the internal opposition?

– Maybe that was the goal, but I didn’t feel like I was lynched. We are in a democratic society. Including the adoption of that text with which our party forbade us to have passive suffrage, to be elected. Maybe that’s where things start. So I’m philosophical about what’s going on. The question is when a large number of clappers will understand what is happening in the party.

– What?

– Search for enemies with a party ticket. Limiting some at the expense of others. Creating groups of ours and yours.

– There has always been real internal opposition in the BSP – under every leader and during your time?

– Don’t call dissent internal opposition. I have not allowed myself to do this because I respect different opinions. It is, after all, part of the democratic functioning of the BSP. Labels like “opposition”, “group of nine”, are part of times when BSP lived in a one-party system.

– Could what is happening in the BSP at the moment lead to a split in the party?

– Worse than splitting is demotivation. This is one of the hard organizational political problems. Of course, this is not the only reason. The demotivation of the members, the asset and the absence of increasing the confidence outside. These are the two big problems and they must be solved by the BSP. And in order to decide, everyone must participate there, including those who have been recruited for opposition by the leadership.

– It is clear that there is no way for the two sides to reach an understanding. What’s next then?

– This is not a commercial deal to seek an understanding. Things must be decided on a principled basis – arguments, speeches and votes. And with the activity of a silent majority, which is afraid to state its position in the official forum, but otherwise complains on the sidelines about one or another decision of the management.

– With recent charter changes, your leader is now directly elected. Will you challenge such a choice?

– God! I don’t know who has such intentions. I continue to believe that the BSP should continue to operate on the principle of more we and less me. That there must be a serious rethinking of the collective bodies – the congress, the National Council. And I do not share the understanding that such a seemingly democratic direct election should be set up as an opposition to the congress. Because this decision was taken by the congress, but, at the same time, it sends the message that its delegates are lobbies, groups that cannot choose on a principled basis.

– But in reality now you don’t have mechanisms by which the leader can be removed if you are not satisfied?

– What does our satisfaction or dissatisfaction matter when the BSP cannot motivate internally and gain trust externally.

– How not to gain trust – BSP this term has 80 dupes, the party’s rating for these 6 months is preserved, despite all the scandals.

– Yes, we have 80 deputies, but after we were in opposition. It is traditional for BSP to reach this zone of influence when it comes out of opposition. It was like that in 2005 and in 2013. Zone 80. The question is when will it reach Zone 100?

– It is said that after the European presidency it is possible to have early elections – will you and the other nine be motivated to work for the BSP during them?

– I work for the ideas that I think are important for Bulgaria and for the majority of citizens.


* The title is on world today news

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