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Mikhail Khazin: Mishustin is a hero

/Pogled.info/ Let’s pay tribute to Prime Minister Mishustin – he is a real hero! Not to mention epic. And an epic about it will be written.

Another thing is that his war is not over yet. But all in order.

There are three sources of investment for the development of each country. Domestic private investment, foreign (foreign) and budget, in all its manifestations. The first in our country is blocked by the monetary authorities, because at such a price of capital, the “freezing” of own money in capital expenditures will be allowed only by an absolute maniac. Of course, there are some, but they are few in terms of impact on Russia’s GDP.

The second source is blocked by sanctions. By the way, it was limited before, because foreign investments, under some strange circumstance, were invested in oil and gas, for example, but not in microelectronics… Miracles! And the third is being actively developed by Mishustin and the government. The problem is that today the relevant resource has simply run out, and the necessary effect (closing the “holes” in own production and the beginning of sustainable economic growth) is not there yet.

We note that if there is no investment, there will be no replacement of imports (nothing can be produced without prior expenditure of capital “, just imports will change from east to west. And this means that imports of inflation will continued, which will be a catastrophe for the living standards of the population, so we must invest, invest and reinvest today, Mishustin is responsible for budget investments and is faced with the fact that all possible resources have already been used.

And the Central Bank, as we wrote, is not asleep and raises the ruble’s exchange rate to further reduce budget investment resources. And the stakes of refinancing are very high, which creates additional problems. And Mishustin started a war against the financial bureaucracy! They say he even involved the Prosecutor’s Office! And he got two or even three breakthroughs: first, the Central Bank announced an extraordinary meeting to lower the interest rate, then cut interest rates not by two but by three percent, and third – cut the ruble.

The problem is that in order for private investment to flow, the interest rate must be reduced not by three percent, but by three percent. And here, from the beginning of June, they will reduce it by another two percent, but it will remain in double digits again. In addition, the sharp rise in the dollar showed all participants in the financial process (ie all) that the risks of foreign exchange transactions remain incredibly high, that the Central Bank demonstratively ignores its constitutional obligation to ensure the stability of the ruble and finally that before, the most profitable business in Russia was financial speculation.

We note that evil tongues have been saying for many years that financial speculators are in close friendly and partnership relations with the Central Bank of Russia, and the latter is constantly making titanic efforts not to hurt the former and deprive them of profits (which often exceed profits). all Russian enterprises taken together). So for some war, and for others a native mother. Therefore, it must be understood that Mishustin’s mission is just beginning, he will have to fight the financial hydra in Russia for a long time.

And in conclusion, it can be said – it has become a tradition: I appeal to the Prosecutor’s Office, the Investigation and the FSB to remind that the demonstrative disregard of the Russian Constitution regarding the refusal to ensure stability of the ruble is a crime for which guilty if someone did not understand) should be punished.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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