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Mike Pence: An agreement was reached with Congress to finance the government

The White House and Congress reached an agreement to provide the US government with funding after September, Vice President Mike Pence said on Friday, September 4. Thus, the threat of a partial government shutdown has been removed.

“The agreement reached this week by Finance Minister Steven Mnuchin and our negotiators on the continuation of government financing after the end of the fiscal year at the end of this month means that we can now focus on the next coronavirus package,” Deputy President announced on Friday 4 September on CNBC Donald Trump.

In the event of disagreement on the matter, some US government operations would be put on hold after September 30. The last time such a situation took place at the turn of 2018 and 2019. Shutdown then lasted 35 days – the longest in history.

The media already reported on an informal agreement between the government and the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives on Thursday. An NBC source said Mnuchin and House of Representatives chairman Nancy Pelosi agreed that no significant changes would be made to the continued funding of existing programs.

The deal means there will be no shutdown before the US elections scheduled for November 3. It seems all the more likely that the debate on the next stimulus package will go beyond this deadline. Before the election, the Americans will probably not receive the next round of federal aid, including the next tranche of direct money transfers.

In the four packages voted this year, Congress has allocated almost $ 3 trillion, which together constitutes the largest financial stimulus for the American economy in history and approx. US GDP.

From Washington, Mateusz Obremski

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