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Mika Zaykova: The rice will be BGN 10

Mika Zaykova

“If this war does not stop, the world is doomed to starvation. 29% of wheat comes from Russia and Ukraine, 19% from corn. From there comes iron, nickel, energy resources. 40% of gas in Europe comes from Russia. 19% from oil again from there “, said Mika Zaykova from Nova TV. “The fuel for the nuclear power plant is also from there,” she added.

“Russia has the largest gas reserves. The Persian Gulf is smaller than oil. Last Friday, the German economy minister was in Qatar. And they told him they couldn’t give him that much. very expensive, “she added.

She confirmed that inflation is much higher than the NSI reports. “The rice will be 10 leva,” she prophesied.

According to her, raising the minimum wage without a tax-free minimum will not work. The European Commission already has a directive according to which it should become half of the average or over BGN 800.

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