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“Mijo Connected: Revolutionizing the Smartwatch Market with Customizable Fashion and Luxury Brands”

Mijo Connected: Revolutionizing the Smartwatch Market with Customizable Fashion and Luxury Brands

In the ever-evolving world of smartwatches, a new player has emerged, and it’s set to revolutionize the industry. Mijo Connected, a company you may not have heard of, is making waves with its innovative approach to wearable devices. I had the opportunity to speak with Steve Prokup, co-founder of Mijo Connected, during CES 2024, and his insights left me intrigued and excited about the future of smartwatches.

Prokup brings considerable experience to Mijo Connected, having previously worked at Pebble and Fossil. He explained that Mijo Connected aims to fill the void left by Fossil, which recently stepped back from launching smartwatches with partner brands. Mijo Connected plans to build a wearable device platform that will allow fashion and luxury brands to create their own unique and fashionable smartwatches, without the need to invest in partnerships and software development.

“Our platform enables our customers to quickly launch completely differentiated products,” Prokup explained. “It has to have their branding, their style. That’s what our platform does.”

The level of customization offered by Mijo Connected is impressive. Brands can design every aspect of the smartwatch, from the appearance to the watch case and strap. The platform also extends to the app and cloud data, ensuring a seamless brand experience for customers.

But what about the software that will power these smartwatches? Mijo Connected has partnered with software company MicroEJ and will utilize their Vee Wear operating system. MicroEJ’s platform has already powered smartwatches made by Polar, showcasing its capabilities. The software allows for complete customization, enabling brands to make the device their own. It also offers compatibility with both Android and iOS phones, providing flexibility for users.

Prokup emphasized that Mijo Connected is not limited to working exclusively with MicroEJ. They are also developing a platform for Wear OS, ensuring they cover all smartwatch customization requirements.

As for the launch of these highly anticipated smartwatches, Prokup hinted at a big launch with a brand in the near future. While he didn’t provide specific dates, he mentioned that the fourth quarter is significant for the industry. This suggests that we may see Mijo Connected’s first models hitting the market soon.

While Mijo Connected may not be a household name, it brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the table. The company’s focus on customization and collaboration with fashion and luxury brands sets it apart from the competition. If successful, Mijo Connected could change the smartwatch market forever, offering a compelling alternative to the dominant tech brands.

In conclusion, Mijo Connected is poised to revolutionize the smartwatch market with its customizable fashion and luxury brands. By providing a platform for brands to create their own unique smartwatches, Mijo Connected is bridging the gap between technology and fashion. With an emphasis on customization and partnerships with software companies like MicroEJ, Mijo Connected is set to make a significant impact in the industry. Keep an eye out for their upcoming product launches, as they may just shape the future of smartwatches as we know it.


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