Home » today » Sport » Mihajlovic, the funeral home. Giorgia Meloni: ‘he left a message to the world’, Lotito’s tears. The scarves of his teams | A league

Mihajlovic, the funeral home. Giorgia Meloni: ‘he left a message to the world’, Lotito’s tears. The scarves of his teams | A league

Today from 10 to 18 there was a greeting to Sinisa Mihajlovic in the funeral home set up in the Sala della Protomoteca in the Campidoglio. Many came to pay homage to Sinisa, including many fans of the teams in which he played and coached. At 6.10 pm the doors of the Hall of the Protomoteca were closed. The funeral will be held tomorrow at 11:30

5pm – The words of Giorgia Meloni “Mihajlovic has left a message in the world, not just football. A figure like that of Sinisa Mihajlovic is courage. Courage carries with it a teaching that Mihajlovic knew how to give, and it is the reason why he was respected by the people who supported the teams but also by those who supported him. Life is a battle and you have to know how to fight it, he did it with honor and with respect for the rules: he did it in his football life, in his life as a man and in the fight against the disease, right up to the end. This is something worth emphasizing, because it is a great teaching beyond the role Mihajlovic had in society. You can be a coach, a soccer player, you can be many things. The point is that when you have an influence on others, the way you lead your life you transfer it to others and he knew how to do it and that’s why it’s worth thanking him”.

16.20 – The Prime Minister also Giorgia Melonishe arrived at the funeral home for Sinisa Mihajlovic. The Premier stopped to talk to his wife, Arianna.

14.30 ARNAUTOVIC AND SORIANO – At the burial chamber set up for Sinisa Mihajlovic in the Campidoglio, in Rome, some footballers and ex-footballers also came to pay homage to the coffin of the former Serbian footballer and coach. First the two Bolognese Arnautovic and Sorianothen the former colleagues Bernardo Corradi and Stefano Fiore.

14.15 – At the funeral home set up for Sinisa Mihajlovic in the Campidoglio, in Rome, Bruno Giordano and his wife also arrived, who spoke at length with Arianna Mihajlovic. Fiorentina sports director Daniele Pradè was also present. Previously, Andrea Della Valle and Pantaleo Corvino (former viola currently at Lecce) had also come to visit. Pradè’s words: “He was a champion in life. All the love that is now around this family is proof of what he has done in life. All this love will serve to accompany them and to alleviate their suffering. A very strong hug to them, they are wonderful people”.

14.00 – LOTITO – At the funeral home set up for Sinisa Mihajlovic in Campidoglio, in Rome, the president of Lazio, Claudio Lotito (VIDEO in the gallery). Lotito gave his sons the Lazio shirts with Mihajlovic written on them. After the visit, Lotito spoke to the journalists present: “A great friend, a great man and a great father. He had the courage to carry on a disease that was devastating. For us, he is an example of dignity and strength I think we need to delve into some issues, certain diseases recur too often which could be linked to the type of stress and treatment. I understand that Vialli is also sick. We are talking about nothing, there is no scientific discourse, of course we have to ask ourselves the question of why these things happen on a recurring basis. They also happen in ordinary life, but on powerful and strong physicists it is more difficult for them to happen. I hope there is no connection, but we have to ask ourselves all-round questions to explore some types of diseases that are starting to be numerous in our world”.

1.15pm – MONTELLA – He also arrived at the funeral home for Sinisa Mihajlovic Vincent Montellawho spent a long time with Mihajlovic’s wife, Arianna. Montella then told the journalists present: ““It is a solemn moment, we have known each other for 25 years, with Arianna and her family. We were children, this is a difficult day. But I want to remember Sinisa as a great fighter. I took over 4 teams after him, there was no one, from warehouse workers to presidents, who spoke ill of him. It happened with Catania, Fiorentina, Sampdoria and Milan. He was always loved above all as a person, this is the biggest figure. An anecdote “Every time I saw him I wished him to go to Real Madrid, so I would follow him there too. He left an authentic mark even for those who are suffering and sick. He was an authentic person, without a mask.”

12.15 – At the funeral home for Sinisa Mihajlovic in the Capitol they are arriving hundreds of fansespecially of the teams to which the Serbian was closest during his career as a footballer and coach, with their scarves and insignia: Lazio, Sampdoria, Inter, Bologna, Turin, Milan, Rome.

11.30 – The president of the Senate also visited the funeral home for Sinisa Mihajlovic, Ignatius LaRussawho declared: ‘Mihajlovic was a fighter’. Also present was the coach of Napoli, Luciano Spalletti.

SPALLETTI – Luciano Spalletti, coach of Napoli: Football has lost a valuable person, he’s always been very kind to me. We spoke often lately, when he was coaching Bologna and he needed a collaborator, he asked me for information on someone I knew: we deepened our understanding there. respect and our friendship”.

LA RUSSA – The President of the Senate, Ignazio La Russa: “A fighter, he was from day one to the last. He showed that this is possible. He took free kicks against opponents’ goals but also against the odds of life, and they were always winning kicks. I have a wide arc of memories that bind me to him: the first club where he established himself as a coach, after a small interlude, was Catania – my second team – and then he was at Inter as a player. He started as a footballer at Inter and he ended up as a coach at Catania: it was one more way to feel him close to me. But I believe that today he is close to sportsmen, whatever their football faith, because man has surpassed the sportsman”.

11.00 – In Rome, on the Campidoglio, she was The funeral home opened this morning to pay homage to Sinisa Mihajlovicdied at the age of 53 after a three-year battle with leukemia. Already from the early hours of the morning she registered an uninterrupted line of people who want to say their last goodbyes to the coach and former Serbian footballer. Many tears of emotion. Mihajlovic’s funeral will be held on Monday at 11 in Rome at the basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri in Piazza Esedra.

WIFE ARIANNA ON IG – On Instagram, Mihajlovic’s wife Arianna posted a photo of the family and these words: “I promised you love … I’ll take care of them, don’t worry. Our greatest masterpiece! We will never stop loving you”.

9.30 – THE ARRIVAL OF THE CUFF – Sinisa Mihajlovic’s coffin arrived in the Avvocatura square at 9.40before being exhibited in the funeral home of the Capitoline Hill. The whole Mihajlovic family was waiting for him: his wife Arianna and children, his mother Viktorija and his brother Drazen. Also present is his friend-former teammate, collaborator and deputy Miroslav Tanjga.


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