Home » today » Entertainment » Mihai Fifor accuses that the parliamentarians were not invited to the actions marking Europe Day: ‘I suggest to the prefect Toth to study the law’ – News by sources

Mihai Fifor accuses that the parliamentarians were not invited to the actions marking Europe Day: ‘I suggest to the prefect Toth to study the law’ – News by sources

Former Minister of Defense Mihai Fifor accuses that the parliamentarians were not invited to the actions marking the Day of Europe, in Arad, which happened before, at the ceremony to celebrate the Day of War Veterans. “I suggest to Prefect Toth to study the Law of Military Ceremonial. He would find out, for example, the order of precedence in laying wreaths. And from here he would find out that in Romania there is still a Parliament “, Fifor transmitted.

“I thought that the way the organization of the celebration of the War Veterans’ Day in Arad was organized was just a mistake of management and institutional cooperation on the part of the new prefect of Arad, Mr. Toth Csaba. Because otherwise I can’t find any plausible explanation for the omission to invite the Arad parliamentarians to the ceremony. One of them was a former Minister of National Defense and currently vice-president of the Commission for Defense, Public Order and National Security in the Chamber of Deputies “, Mihai Fifor wrote on Facebook on Sunday.

He accuses, however, that the situation was repeated on Europe Day.

“Today, Mr. Toth relapses and, at the ceremony marking the day of Europe, forgets that Arad also has elected parliamentarians, not only the City Hall and the County Council. I take this opportunity to suggest to Mr. Prefect Toth that he study the Law of Military Ceremony. He would find out, for example, the order of precedence in laying wreaths. And from here he would find out that in Romania there is still a Parliament. Whether or not his lordship likes this matters less. Mr. Toth Csaba’s job is to abide by the law and protocol imposed by such demonstrations. Otherwise, let’s hear only good, prefect! I had hoped that things could be different in the Prefecture after the departure of the sinister Stoian character from there. But for new people, old habits, I realize … “, Fifor also wrote.

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