Home » News » Miguel Morales “signed” an alliance with the campaign of Elvia Milena Sanjuán

Miguel Morales “signed” an alliance with the campaign of Elvia Milena Sanjuán

With a photograph on social networks, the candidate for Mayor of Valledupar, Miguel Morales, confirmed his support and alliance with Elvia Milena Sanjuán, Candidate for the Governorship of Cesar for the party of the U.

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Let our voice be heard in every corner of Valledupar. What a good vibe, what a good team Miguel Morales. Thank you!”, the candidate published on her social networks.


This is the third time that the former head of the municipal Culture Office tries to be mayor of Valledupar. In 2011 it exceeded 10,000 votes. In 2019 it was the surprise to obtain 20,000 votes and be the third vote despite the fact that on weekends he made his presentations outside the city.

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In these elections, Miguel Morales continues his journey around the world and Colombia singing the hits that made him famous, and during the week he campaigns in the neighborhoods.

A Michael Morales some candidates have always questioned him that no “campaign seriously”, in reference to the fact that he does not go to debates, nor does he carry out political proselytism. In this case he did hit fences.

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