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Migrants were preparing a facility for nuclear bombs in Ukraine? NATO threatens with an explosion

/Pogled.info/ Kiev and Washington are not just trying to convince ordinary people that Russia is preparing to organize a nuclear terrorist attack in Ukraine. As recent history shows, such media “preparation” of the adversary is sure to be followed by a blow. Who, why and where will I hit?

US congressmen Democrat Richard Blumenthal and Republican Lindsey Graham, in a united Russophobic impulse, introduced a draft resolution in the Senate equating the use of nuclear weapons by Russia against the armed forces of Ukraine with an attack on NATO.

“Nuclear weapons used in Ukraine will release radiation into large areas in Europe where our allies are,” Lindsey Graham told a news conference.

“Each of these actions will have devastating consequences for the health of Ukrainians and neighboring countries. And our message to those around Putin: if you follow his orders, you can expect a massive response from NATO,” the Republican threatened at a press conference.

At the same time, Russian President Vladimir Putin quite clearly said in the fall of last year that “there is no sense in nuclear strikes on Ukraine – neither political nor military”. And in 2021, it endorsed a military doctrine that says Russia reserves the right to use nuclear weapons only as a response.

However, they still keep pushing. With distant plans. Earlier this month, the FSB reported that Ukraine’s Main Intelligence Directorate had planned and appeared to be continuing to plan nuclear sabotage on Russian soil.

“During the investigation of the sabotage planned in May 2023 to blow up long-range aircraft located at the Severny airport in the Ivanovo region, it became known about the plans of Kiev to carry out a terrorist act on Russian territory with the help of a dirty bomb” , says the announcement of our special services.

Recently, the FSB informed the public about the detention of a gang of migrants (five ethnic Azerbaijanis) who, under the leadership of a client from Ukraine, attempted to purchase and export from Russia a kilogram of the isotope cesium-137, worth $3.5 million.

The FSB is sure that this was done to be used to the detriment of Russian interests during the SVO and to conduct an information and propaganda campaign to discredit the country in the international arena.

Zelensky was simply confused

Ukraine, for its part, has vigorously engaged in informational support of a future nuclear terrorist attack. In his public statements, Vladimir Zelensky accused our country of intending to blow up a nuclear power plant, but he himself made a reservation:

Russia wants to undermine the nuclear power plant. Because, as with the dam, they do not care about security in Ukraine either. Our special services are preparing a terrorist act at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant…” he said.

“That is, they are trying to prevent a terrorist attack by Russia,” the president hastened to correct himself.

Such a non-accidental statement. And what security of Ukraine can we talk about if Russia considers Zaporozhye as its territory, which is written in the constitution of our country.

But who in the West and in Ukraine cares about logic if the information campaign to support a future terrorist attack has already begun? She was even linked to Kiril Budanov, resurrected on the occasion of the virtual head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

“The ZAPP was further mined. And worst of all, the cooler was mined. If they disable it, then there’s a good chance there will be significant problems,” a creature that looked like a computer photo, not the independent’s chief intelligence officer, announced on TV.

Subsequently, Budanov’s words were refuted by the IAEA, which said in a report that no one had mined the NPP’s cooler and that basic safety functions had not been violated.

It is noted that in the near future at the nuclear power plant they will again start pumping water from the cooling pond, while the pools are replenished by pumping water from the drainage system.

“They want to ruin us like this”

The well-known demagogue Alexey Arestovich, a former adviser in Zelensky’s cabinet, who was kicked out because he once told the truth, joined in the hysteria.

Since then, he has been re-educated and in a conversation with the famous Russophobe Yulia Latynina * repeated Zelensky’s last mantra: Russia intends to blow up the nuclear power plant.

“Putin may blow it up not because of the radiation danger, but simply to take out the biggest power plant and force us to throw 25 billion euros into repairs,” he said.

“I don’t doubt it for a second. They cosplay Hitler and Stalin at the same time, and Hitler liked to blow everything up when he left,” argued Arestovich.

On the air with the lawyer Mark Feigin, who escaped from Russia, the fantasy of the former adviser to the President of Ukraine played out even more vividly:

“They hit us with a nuclear weapon. In this case, it is necessary to either accept us into the North Atlantic Alliance for a day, or then Ukraine will create a nuclear weapon, because there are no other guarantees.”

Andrei Frolov, a member of the Russian Council on International Affairs, is convinced that Ukraine is making noise for a reason. Behind such statements there is always an unpleasant story – perhaps a dirty bomb is being prepared. And Kiev wants to maximize the media effect of this terrorist attack.

“Of course, they won’t be able to create a nuclear bomb. But they can get it from someone, right? And then no one will know where they got it from,” the expert shared his opinion before Constantinople.

What follows from this?

In response to Blumenthal and Graham’s legislation, Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov noted that this is not just another crazy initiative by Russophobic senators.

According to the diplomat, everything is much more serious, because their attack is “an example of someone who is really leading the line towards a direct global conflict between Russia and NATO countries, led by the United States.”

Someone in the West really wants to resurrect the ghosts of the Cold War. Back in the 1980s, when people on both sides of the Iron Curtain lived in fear of atomic bombs falling on their heads.

*Latinina and Feigin are included by the Ministry of Justice of Russia in the unified register of foreign agents

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