Home » today » World » Migrants, the Texas border and the US election race – 2024-02-12 03:29:42

Migrants, the Texas border and the US election race – 2024-02-12 03:29:42

/ world today news/ While the world was busy with news from the Middle East and Ukraine, in the United States the “festival of disobedience” continued, caused by the fact that the authorities of the state of Texas took a number of concrete measures to somehow fill the gaps in the border with Mexico.

In fact, the southern border of the United States has long resembled a colander, but the situation in the area of ​​​​the Texas city of Eagle Pass has become frankly anecdotal to an outside observer and catastrophic for local residents. There, Latin American migrants simply occupied the border perimeter. The surrounding areas became a bivouac and staging area somewhat reminiscent of Lampedusa in Europe or the Greek coast five years earlier.

The position of official Washington seemed frankly schizophrenic – they preferred not to respond to the requests of the Texas state authorities at all. Another strange thing is that Texas is a state with a specific history of independence from the “center”, with the conservative population of “deep America”. In an election year, angering this population so openly and cynically would seem like an overstep.

As a result, state officials mobilized the National Guard and closed that stretch of the border with patrols and miles of barbed wire. State officials asked federal border officials to “not get involved.”

Official Washington sued the Supreme Court, and the court’s ruling ordered Texas authorities to remove the fences, allowing immigration agents and official border guards to operate. Texas refused to do so.

In addition, D. Trump naturally sided with Texas, and state officials called on other states to help Texas. 25 of the 50 states of the USA have already responded to the call and quite a few have expressed their readiness to send their National Guardsmen if necessary.

It is about 20 thousand people, armed, equipped with equipment and even their own aviation. In general, the US National Guard has an interesting status. The National Guard is generally subordinate to state institutions, but in special cases it is used to reinforce direct army units.

In fact, reservists with military experience, including combat, serve in it. The National Guard has been in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, and now, unlike during the Vietnam War, it is dominated by people with combat experience. Among other things, the number of guards today is over 600 thousand people.

It is a force, and in the case of the “conservative” states, a force irritated and embittered by the open and ostentatious rudeness of the Biden administration.

The question is, why does Washington need this? Clearly, by tradition, many media outlets will call the J.J. team. Biden “a bunch of idiots”, but in this case it is better not to follow such a tradition. When else will we get to watch such an entertaining election race.

Indeed, why did the US democratic deep state need this monstrous influx of Latin American migrants in the first place?

This can be understood if we look at the past elections in the United States in 2020. Such an extravaganza of dirty methods and fraud, which was not particularly hidden from anyone, according to the Americans themselves, has never been seen in their memory.

One can also recall the “Biden foot” when his result, according to the graph, suddenly turned 90 degrees upwards, contradicting the statistics of the processing of votes, as well as the postal voting of people who died in the late 19th century.

One of the remarkable phenomena, however, was the Latin American factor – drug cartel participants not only received campaign grants and formed entire headquarters, but were responsible for collecting votes, transporting ballots and replacing them. Naturally, the entire Hispanic “herd” associated with them voted as they should and also received the precious American civil rights papers. It looked, frankly, like some crazy movie project.

However, what we see here is not just incitement in the US of “prospective voters”, but simply provocation, and a gross provocation at that.

Recently, in the state of New Hampshire, which is extremely important for the Republican primaries, D. Trump defeated N. Haley by a landslide. This result was predictable, as the main competitor M. DeSantis withdrew from the primary election in favor of D. Trump.

But something else was revealed: D. Trump’s staff began to claim that they had all the evidence that N. Haley was a spoiler-double, controlled by the Democrats. This may be true, as N. Haley is a “system” player and administrator, and is also offended by D. Trump for serving as the UN’s permanent representative in his administration.

He didn’t appreciate her at all. In general, D. Trump said that anyone who donates even a cent to N. Haley’s election campaign will never cooperate with him. The Republican Party announced that there was apparently no choice but to nominate D. Trump as the only candidate.

Everything is logical, but let’s remember how the 2020 elections ended? Riots at the Capitol, when the crowd, which was not led by D. Trump, by the way, although he supported the “noble impulse”, stormed inside and for a time behaved like an elephant in a china shop.

The result was that a criminal case was opened against D. Trump for an attempt on the state system and incitement to rebellion. This was unprecedented, but the charge is quite serious. All the time, D. Trump was walking under this sword of Damocles, since he could theoretically be removed from the election if he wanted to.

They did not remove it, fearing an escalation of public sentiment and waiting for the results of the primary elections, and also realizing that the accusation was, after all, initially politicized and sewn with white threads. But what will happen if D. Trump again takes steps that will make him the leader of an armed insurgency with part of the forces of the US National Guard? It’s already a story louder than the Capitol crowd.

The fact that the Biden administration is pursuing exactly this option is indirectly proven by the calmness with which Washington views what is happening.

But Trump also understands that the buildup of National Guard forces is his insurance policy. The more states and power resources it gathers, the more difficult and dangerous it will be for Washington to bring charges against it, both past and new.

He won the primary and the rally should show the Deep State that removing him from the race would be incredibly expensive. Against “sleepy Joe” himself, D. Trump undoubtedly wins significantly. It’s not just about Sleepy Joe, though. After all, many in the United States are now convinced that J. Biden will have to be replaced in any case.

But who and will the new candidate be able to oppose D. Trump? Here, Democrats may not have enough of even such a factor as the “Hispanic voter.” It’s fine to replace if D. Trump is removed from the race and N. Haley is a spoiler, but if it doesn’t happen. Democrats cannot afford to lose.

In general, the parties work brightly, on the verge of foul, everything looks really enchanting, but this is not the result of random coincidences, but rather the strategy and tactics of the struggle between the two American powers. However, while observing this, we must not forget that both these forces are two sides of the same whole.

Translation: ES

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