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“Migrants? The Dublin reform is crap”. So in the EU everything can collapse

Dino Giarrusso, ex Hyena and now M5S MEP, a few days ago he came out with a very convinced “Migrants, historic victory! Dublin abolished“. Giuseppe Conte spoke of a “turning point”. And Vito Crimi of the “great victory” of the Movement. At least these are the official statements. But a few hours after the presentation of Ursula Von Der Leyen of the European reform of the rules for reception and asylum, the mood in Brussels is quite different. At different latitudes of Parliament and between sherpa In fact, the EU has a feeling that is now almost a conviction: “We talked about it – they say – and everyone agrees that it’s just crap”. Or a little more.

Ursula’s announcement during the State of the Union address it took everyone a little by surprise. His Commission had been working for some time on a reform of the Dublin, but the topic has been postponed over and over again and not just because of Covid. Few would therefore have bet a euro on such an announcement, although those who closely observe the proceedings in Brussels know that the president is very attentive to what is happening in Germany. Or rather the German public debate. “To know what Von der Leyen will talk about, read the The world“. And since for days in Berlin there has been a lot of talk about the fire of the refugee camp of Moria, Ursula’s “turning point” is the daughter of this media pressure.

The problem is that for now there is nothing concrete. The Commission will only present its plan tomorrow. The goal is to find a balance between hospitality and anti-irregular, but the first indiscretions do not appear entirely positive for Italy. The new system should be “tripartite”: the first part should include the compulsory relocation of migrants between EU countries, but only for “refugees”, ie those who obtain asylum; the second arm would be activated only in the event of major migratory crises, when then compulsory relocation would also take place for asylum seekers (to be hosted) and economic migrants (to be repatriated); the third, finally, would concern rescues at sea, with forced transfers between Member States and a strengthening of Frontex in an anti-smuggler key. In any case, the capitals most reluctant to share the weight of migration, such as the blockade of Visegrad, they could wash their hands of it by paying some sort of fine. If this were the deal, Ursula would rejoice. But as with the Recovery Fund, battles to the death lie within the Council. At that point it is likely that a downward compromise will be reached and the devil – you know – will end up hiding in the details.

For this reason a Brussels there are many skeptical voices. Sources of M5S curb the enthusiasm shown in Rome by Conte and Di Maio. The mantra is “a lot of caution” and no one gets too out of balance before seeing the project. “We want to read this proposal – they say – Many times we have come across these announcements. And then nothing has changed ”. The most painful precedent is that of 2015, at the time of Juncker Commission. Even then the Dublin overrun was promised, yet we are still here talking about it. Of course, many point out that today “the climate is different”. But the distances are abysmal.

In the Italian field, for example, there is a red line that the M5S, and consequently the government, does not intend to go beyond: “We are interested in compulsory and automatic relocations”, whisper the grillini. If they are not there, the dialogue could get stuck. The redistribution of refugees alone (as the EU imagines) cannot be enough for Italy, given that 80% of those who arrive in the beautiful country then do not obtain asylum. Rome also needs to include illegal immigrants in the package, but from that ear in Brussels they don’t seem to hear us. “I wonder if it would be a good idea to relocate those who need to be repatriated”, said the European Commissioner for Home Affairs. Ylva Johansson. “Relocation is an important part, but it must be done in a way that is acceptable to all Member States.” Translated: Italy will have to keep illegal immigrants.

In fact, the problem is the balance in the Council. L’euro parliament it has long voted for a way to overcome the Dublin mistakes, but the heads of state and government have not yet found the meeting point. “The people elected by the people have spoken for years and in the right direction – he says Massimiliano Salini, Forza Italia MEP – But our work is not taken into consideration by the Council. “The biggest obstacle is called the” Visegrad block “, plus Austria and Slovenia. Hungarian President Orban is the thorn in the side: going against the front of those opposed to solidarity means risking to mess everything up. But to please Budapest means to disappoint Italy, Greece and the Southern States. “How do you – the sources ask – to agree on countries that want to know nothing about relocations mandatory and automatic with whom instead requires them? “.

None a Brussels he therefore thinks that a solution can be easily reached, despite Ursula’s thunderous announcement. Even the Commission knows that when the states read the draft “no one will be satisfied”. Meanwhile, why Dublin will not be “abolished”, as said by the president. But only “amended”. And then everyone will try to bring water to their mill. “We expect the usual theater – whispers a source from Brussels – There is nothing, they are just words. When Juncker tried it, everything failed. We talked about it among colleagues and many agree that it is just crap”. Also in Ppe, which argues Von der Leyen, skepticism reigns supreme: “That we can reach a conclusion on the affair of the government of migratory flows I exclude in the most absolute way – says Salini – I do not think that from the Commission there will be the shock that will allow the I recommend finding a square “. Beyond the words, the forerunner predicts, the feeling is that the plan “will result in a somewhat reinforced defense of the borders and an agenda of meetings to talk about this issue”. In short: “We are not at the turning point”. Whatever Conte says.

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