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Migrants, Pd proposal to abolish Bossi-Fini. Schlein: “Hypocritical law”

‘The necessary turning point’, is the title chosen for the dem al Nazarene initiative, “because we believe a turning point in immigration policies is increasingly necessary. And we do so at a time when we are reaching one of the lowest levels in the management of immigration policies. I am referring to the incredible choice to deport people to Albania, a very expensive choice”, he says Pier Francesco MajorinoImmigration manager of the Democratic Party, opening the Democratic Party conference at the Nazarene in which a “proposal for overcoming the Bossi-Fini law was presented, a proposal which for us is the heart of a possible change within migration policies”.

The dem secretary takes the floor, Elly Schlein: “I thank our parliamentarians who are working to make the things we are carrying forward concrete with legislative proposals, with this proposal from Delrio which overcomes some distortions of the Bossi-Fini mechanism. Naturally our path also continues on other aspects of the legislation to build a new page – adds Schlein – When I happen to meet girls and boys in schools it is not easy to explain how the rules on immigration work starting from Bossi-Fini, a hypocritical law which claims that to come to Italy legally a person must being called by an employer who calls him without even knowing him”, he explains at the Democratic Party headquarters during the public meeting on the topic of migrants. The fundamental point, for the Democratic Party secretary, is “to overcome that system from the point of view of work and beyond: the modification presented by Graziano Delrio wants to introduce regular and regulated routes for entry into this country.”

The theme of gangmastering is also linked to this and Schlein recalls what has happened in the last period. “The right does not understand that the safest society is the one that does not discriminate, the most inclusive one. What has happened in recent months has shown that if you allow there to be first-class and second-class workers, you encourage social dumping that affects everyone. We saw the killing of Stnam Singha name we are not willing to forget. Not an episodic case, but a system of exploitation. When we address the issue of gangmastering, what we are talking about today is fundamental,” he adds.

According to the secretary, “constant monitoring is needed in structures such as CPRs, I have carried out many of these inspections. I don’t forget when I was in Ponte Galeria and I met one hundred Nigerian women all with the same public defender. This cynical agreement with Albania squanders public money and violates people’s fundamental rights. We cannot accept this level of inhumanity, because it goes against the Constitution in its spirit. We will continue to mobilize, good that there are some of our deputies and other political forces in Albania and we will guarantee a constant monitoring presence”, says Schlein again. He is referring to the inspection of three opposition parliamentarians, Riccardo Magi of +Europa, Paolo Ciani di Demos and the deputy dem Rachel Scarpain the Gjader detention and repatriation center in Albania defined as “a concentration camp”. “We had foreseen that it would not be possible to identify fragile people and minors – he observes referring to the Albanian failure and what happened on board the Libra ship – While Meloni brings his propaganda to Brussels, 4 people have been brought back from Albania. We ask how much these operations cost, for years they have made the most vulgar rhetoric about the thirty-five euros a day that reception cost and now they spend millions to bring very fragile people to Albania”, observes the dem leader. “We cannot accept this level of inhumanity”.

#Migrants #proposal #abolish #BossiFini #Schlein #Hypocritical #law

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