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Migrants, over one million asylum seekers have arrived in Italy, lots of them survivors of utmost trauma of their international locations of origin or throughout the journey

ROMA – As we speak it was there Worldwide Day for Victims of Torture, Medical doctors for Human Rights (Honey) publishes the webreport Fragments. It’s typically acknowledged that excessive traumatic occasions, similar to torture and intentional violence, result in a dramatic fragmentation of the psychic capabilities of those that endure them. In the identical approach, the remedy course of could be seen, in metaphor and in reality, as a means of recomposing the fragments of the thoughts and physique of the survivors, a bit like the traditional Japanese artwork of kintsugi, able to making fractures treasured .

MEDU’s responses within the discipline. Over a million migrants and asylum seekers have arrived in Italy within the final decade, together with a excessive proportion of people that survived excessive trauma of their international locations of origin and/or alongside the migration routes. Since 2014, Medu has tried to supply a solution to this progressively rising want for well being, implementing an intervention mannequin to advertise the psychophysical and social well-being of people that have survived torture or merciless, inhuman and degrading therapies: the Psychè facilities for psychological well being transcultural, energetic in Rome, Florence and Ragusa.

Over 1,500 migrants assisted. Over 1,500 migrants, asylum seekers and refugees have been assisted in 9 years throughout over 8,000 classes. Of those, over 80% reported having suffered torture or inhuman and degrading remedy within the international locations of origin and/or transit. In 2017, the Ministry of Well being issued the Tips for help, rehabilitation and remedy of psychological issues of refugees who’ve suffered torture, rape or different severe types of psychological, bodily or sexual violence, however Italy continues to be removed from absolutely transposing and implementing the indications contained therein.

The a long time of expertise of the Psyché facilities. It allowed us to watch the prevailing gaps in well being companies and the reception system and to develop an efficient, replicable and sustainable, albeit nonetheless partial, intervention mannequin. A mannequin that sees the important thing component of a doable response within the subsidiarity between public companies and personal social organizations.

The intervention mannequin. Along with presenting the intervention mannequin of the Psychè facilities, this webreport, wealthy in multimedia materials, seeks to supply an outline of the present complexity of the connection between migration, trauma and psychological well being. Fragments Moreover, it presents some concrete proposals geared toward enhancing the system’s capability of our nation to handle this phenomenon, addressing specifically political resolution makers at totally different ranges and the system of social and well being companies as a complete.

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– 2024-06-27 07:11:11

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