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Migrants, letter from 8 countries to the EU: “The asylum system is broken” | European summit draft changes: joint response on migrants


As for i migrantsthe current asylum system “is broken and above all benefits the cynical traffickers of human beings who take advantage of the misfortune of women, men and children”. letter sent by the governments of Denmark, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Slovakia, Greece, Malta and Austria to the presidents of the Commission and the EU Council on the eve of the extraordinary council meeting. An initial response from Europe seems to arrive shortly with the modification of the latest draft of the conclusions of the summit of EU leaders. In fact, the chapter on migrants speaks of “one European challenge that requires a European response“.

The letter of the 8 countries “We invite the Commission to present a comprehensive European approach for all migratory routes”, continues the text, clarifying that this approach “should aim to address the pull factors also through the necessary legal and technical adjustments”.

“We believe the time has come for an innovative, open and effective response, focused on removing the incentives to undertake dangerous journeys to Europe and decisively disrupting the business model of criminal smuggling networks.” As political leaders, we must act decisively to prevent another large-scale migration crisis.”

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