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Miesbach police stop driver (34) twice drunk – in one evening

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A patrol car follows a car at night (symbolic image). © Silas Stein/Imago

Her driver’s license and the keys to her BMW were taken away. Despite this, a 34-year-old woman got behind the wheel of her car again – with even more alcohol in her blood than before.

Hausham – Late on Wednesday evening, a BMW caught the attention of several road users between Miesbach and Agatharied because of its obvious zigzags. Thanks to a driver who had followed the car, a police patrol was able to stop the driver in Hausham and conduct a check. The police said that a strong smell of alcohol was noticed. In addition to a blood sample, criminal proceedings were initiated for endangering road traffic, the driver was prevented from continuing his journey and the car keys and driver’s license were confiscated.

Broken open again with the spare key

Apparently, the police wrote, the 34-year-old was not very impressed by the officers’ actions. Around midnight, the same patrol crew found her again at the wheel of her BMW in Hausham – she was driving with the spare key. Now criminal proceedings have been initiated not only for driving without a license, but also for drunk driving.

(By the way: Everything from the region is now also available in our regular Miesbach newsletter.)

In the meantime, the woman had apparently consumed more alcohol, so that a breathalyzer test showed a value of well over 1.1 per mille. As a result, another blood sample was taken at Agatharied Hospital. The spare key to her BMW, which was now in use, was also confiscated. nap

A 43-year-old man also has to answer for drunk driving. The man was caught by the police during a check in April in the Fischbachau community area.

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