Home » today » Technology » MidWinter Dreaming | ven 5 fév 2021, 12 h 00 | Facebook

MidWinter Dreaming | ven 5 fév 2021, 12 h 00 | Facebook

For many nations, winter is synonymous with stories as families and communities come together to give thanks, sing, dance, play and feast. While we cannot come together due to Covid-19, we can unite our hearts and minds to recognize this time of winter renewal and share our stories and dreams.

MidWinter Dreaming de Kaha: wi Dance Theater presents a series of short videos marking mid-winter among the Haudenosaunee and showcasing the creativity and wintery tales of artists from related nations.

This video will be available on our Facebook page, and Kaha: wi Dance Theater’s Vimeo page until the end of February.

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