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Middle-aged women with chronic fatigue and metabolic steatohepatitis cause problems! Drug therapy to lose 5 kg, save the liver and relieve fatigue | Health 2.0

Ms. Lin, who is in her 50s, has been in the clinic for a long time due to chronic fatigue. The doctor found that her liver index was too high, suspected of being caused by metabolic steatohepatitis. She continued to take the traditional drug. liver protection drugs, but the effect was limited. Subsequently, she was referred for gastroenterology treatment at Annan Hospital. After her blood and liver biopsy, her diagnosis was metabolic steatohepatitis.After one month of drug treatment, Ms. Lin successfully lost 5 kg, her liver index returned to normal, and her fatigue symptoms too. have been relieved.

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Metabolic fatty liver disease has no obvious symptoms and is difficult to alert

According to Cai Kunfeng, director of the Department of Gastroenterology at Annan Hospital, many people have excessive caloric intake in their eating habits, along with lack of exercise, high stress at work and in life, irregular work and rest, the number of patients with Metabolic fatty liver disease is increasing, of which 8 overweight patients with overweight or even suffering from metabolic fatty liver disease. These patients often have no obvious clinical symptoms, so they are not alert. In the long term, metabolic fatty liver disease can evolve into hepatitis, and in severe cases it can also evolve into hepatic fibrosis and hepatic fibrosis, liver cirrhosis.

Director Cai Kunfeng explained that according to statistics, about 5% of patients with metabolic fatty liver will eventually develop cirrhosis and insulin resistance and chronic liver inflammation caused by obesity release inflammatory substances, which are considered the cause of metabolic fat liver disease Etiology, abdominal ultrasound and biochemical blood tests help patients detect health conditions early and doctors can intervene in treatment and the most important thing in treatment is weight control .

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Obesity stores fat in the liver more than alcohol consumption

The same director Cai, medical specialist of the Obesity Medicine Association, pointed out that obesity has a greater impact on the accumulation of fat in the liver than alcohol consumption and weight loss can improve the degree of metabolic steatohepatitis. Losing more than 9% of your body weight can effectively improve liver tissue, and even a little weight loss can improve. Therefore, effective diet management and moderate exercise are the first steps of treatment; the part of the drug, commonly known as “fine needles”, glucosinolate peptide-1 receptor agonists can also reduce appetite, control weight and others such as vitamin E, Coloring drugs or niacin have also been shown to be effective in small clinical trials.

Director Cai Kunfeng pointed out that, according to the latest literature from the authoritative “Lancet” magazine, most patients who have received gastroscopic gastric narrowing therapy can still maintain a weight loss effect of 25% after 2 years. For moderately obese patients, i.e. For those with BMI> 30, intragastric injection of botulinum toxin can also be done through a gastroscope to delay gastric emptying and gastroscopic gastroscopic therapy can be provided to reduce the patient’s gastric capacity and gain control of weight loss. The advantage of this treatment is that it is minimally invasive and has no wounds on the body surface, together with drug treatment and adjustment of eating habits, it is the fundamental way to cure metabolic steatohepatitis.

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◎ Image source / Provided by Dazhi Image / shutterstock
◎ Consultant / Dr. Cai Kunfeng

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Middle-aged women with chronic fatigue and metabolic steatohepatitis cause problems! Drug therapy to lose 5 kg, save the liver and relieve fatigue

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