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“Mid-career teachers must be appreciated,” says Eric Charbonnier of the OECD

interview – Éric Charbonnier, OECD education specialist, analyzes the decline in salaries of experienced teachers compared to their colleagues from other countries

A study that will be particularly thorough. While on Monday the Ministry of Education starts the consultation with the teacher unions on teacher increases, theOECD takes out his studio Opinions on education. This shows that the salaries of mid-career French teachers (with 15 years of experience) are below the average of their colleagues in OECD countries. A decrypting situation for 20 minutes Éric Charbonnier, OECD Education Specialist.

Your study shows that mid-career French secondary school teachers earn 16% less than their peers in other OECD countries. How do you explain it?

France has chosen to have a slow career progression for its teachers, such as the Portugal. In our country, teachers take 35 years of experience to go from starting salary to higher salary, compared to the 26-year average for OECD countries. Conversely, a UKthe salaries of teachers are rising very rapidly, but they also quickly reach the ceiling.

This is due in particular to the administrative system of our civil service, where salaries evolve according to a scale of points, where (…) Read more in 20 minutes

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