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Mid-August, bonfire stop on the beach and nightlife. Close on discos – Chronicle

“If the numbers do not change it will be inevitable; next week we will try to share a rigorous choice with all the regions”. Thus the Minister for Regional Affairs Francesco Boccia in an interview with La Stampa focused on su a new possible squeeze on the nightlife, discos (which – he says – should not have reopened) and bathing establishments. Boccia is “convinced that after Ferragosto there will be closure in all regions”, but it is not excluded that it can be done sooner. “There has been much more attention to opening nightclubs in June than anything else. This is an unacceptable choice for us. We have nothing against discos, but if you have asked a country to stay indoors, if you have closed businesses, spent billions and billions to pay the layoffs to people for not working, then you cannot for pure propaganda, to respond to some lobbies that are close to you, reopen discos and do not care about the repercussions that this choice will have “. minister Teresa Bellanova in Lecce, presenting the Italia Viva slate in support of the candidate for president of the Puglia Region, Ivan Scalfarotto.

Hold ofEmilia Romagna on discos to avoid a rise in Sars-Cov2 infections. A new ordinance signed by President Stefano Bonaccini provides for halving the capacity for entrances (it will be reduced by 50%) and establishes the obligation to always wear a mask. The eventual immediate closure of the premises as soon as infringements are ascertained. The provision is in force from 13 tomorrow, August 15th, and applies to those outdoors now in operation in the region. Those indoors have never reopened after the lockdown. The same thing in Veneto. New ordinance of the Veneto Region to combat Coronavirus: it provides that the maximum number of people who can enter is not more than 50% of the maximum capacity normally authorized. It also includes the obligation to always wear the mask inside the club, including during the dance, admitted, it must be remembered, only in the presence of outdoor slopes. The immediate closure of the premises is also envisaged, without any reference to further administrative procedures, if the supervisory bodies ascertain the non-compliance with the rules established by the ordinance. On the Romagna Riviera, instead, ‘sold out’ beaches. And the must of summer 2020 are dinners by the sea

However, there are no managers of discos. “Once again we hit a sector that is identified as a place where all the evils of society coexist. Now we have been given the role of the greasers, we have been given that too. Before we drugged the boys, we drunk them, now we infect them despite the fact that there is not a single case of a boy or girl who became infected in our premises “. Thus the president of the Silb-Italian Union of Emilia-Romagna Dance Venues, Gianni Indino, comments on the ordinance by which the Region plans to halve the capacity for discotheques and establishes the obligation to always wear a mask. “We are not the scapegoat for anything or anyone. There is someone who it carries as if we were a scalp and feeds us to public opinion “.

The Calabria, in agreement with the government, has closed the premises since yesterday. In Piedmont, on the other hand, there is dancing. This is the provisions of the latest regional decree, n.85 of 10 August, which recalls the Guidelines for the reopening of the Economic, Productive and Recreational Activities of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. In paragraph 33, the regional decree establishes that the opening of dance halls, discos and similar places is permitted “with dance activities carried out exclusively in outdoor spaces”. Controls have been strengthened in view of Ferragosto.

In Lazio instead Ladispoli and Nettuno the municipal administrations have ordered a ban on lighting bonfires on the beach. The Municipality of Nettuno has ordered a ban on access and transit on the beach from 9 pm today, and the simultaneous ban on bathing from 7 pm, until 9.30 am on 15 August. Under the ordinary regime, the opening of catering activities remains permitted. It is also strictly forbidden to light bonfires and fires of any kind on the beach.

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