Microsoft has prepared a promotional video for Xbox games and consoles, made in the style of similar PlayStation projects of past years. There are real actors, a high budget, Starfield and mysterious numbers.
The action begins with a young woman returning home after a hard day at work. Probably, the American corporation wants to emphasize what a relief turning on the console can bring.
But the main character has problems getting to the apartment as she is transported to different worlds. Starfield’s Vasco helps her with her purse, while anxious whispers from Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 can be heard in the background. Soon, a Forza Motorsport car enters the track, and Cyberpunk 2077’s V is aggressively slicing pineapples.
The soundtrack is noteworthy. The music is provided by the group Son Lux, which created 49 compositions for the film “Everything Everywhere and at Once.” This earned her an Oscar nomination.
Observant players will notice the following numbers in the elevator: 6, 0, 5, 8, 2, 6, 3, 7 and 1. There are already jokes online that this is a reference to the number of new color versions of the controllers that Xbox is preparing for next year.
Others have suggested that this is a reference to the game Perfect Dark, without explaining why. Also mentioned is Jack from the television series Lost, who must return to the island.