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Microsoft Will Limit Bing Artificial Intelligence Chats to 50 Per Day

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news-box-content-sub"> byErry Ike Setiawan – editorDenny Mahardy Feb 19, 2023

Technologue.idJakarta – Technology is growing rapidly in this digital era, even artificial intelligence or AI (Artificial Intelligence) is now increasingly popular and widely used.

One of them is Bing AI which is a search service from Microsoft. However, recently Microsoft limited the use of Bing AI for chats to only 50 per day. This happened after Microsoft released a chat that was troubling users.

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Bing AI and Its Capabilities

As a search service from Microsoft, Bing AI has a very good ability to understand human language.

With its artificial intelligence, Bing AI can provide answers that are accurate and in accordance with the questions asked by users.

Not only that, Bing AI can also provide suggestions and recommendations that can help users solve their problems.

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