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Microsoft Unveils New, Classier, More Convenient Start Menu

If the Windows 10 Start menu has hardly changed since the launch of the OS in 2015, it is about to take advantage of a big facelift. Microsoft has just released a new screenshot, which provides details on the expected changes.

Little by little, even if the operation takes time and does not happen overnight, Windows 10 improves. The module Settings is now teeming with options and replaces 90% of the Control Panel. The News Bar, a bar for the Office, has appeared and keeps an eye on the news in real time. And what about this new file explorer for Windows 10X, but installable on Windows 10, who is also in preparation? Will it also officially arrive in Windows 10 one day?

In short, there is no shortage of innovations, and even the Start menu should soon go through a makeover phase, as shown in the screenshot above and officially published by Microsoft on their Facebook account.

A screenshot to learn more about the new Windows 10 Start menu

Good news for those who found it a little aging and not always very ergonomic: the Start menu will change, being more elegant and more flexible. Even if the dynamic tiles will stay, contrary to what some rumors suggested last February as to their total disappearance, Microsoft plans to upgrade them. As the capture released by Microsoft shows, the thumbnails will benefit from a background which will correspond to the user’s choice concerning the light theme or the dark theme.

Capturing the new Start menu shows that dynamic tile display has been disabled. Currently, it is already possible to perform such an operation by clicking using the right button on the thumbnail, then choosing the options Plus > Deactivate the dynamic thumbnail. But if you do, the tiles will have a rather unsightly color block. This is not the case for the new edition, which benefits from a display in accordance with Fluent Design, while Microsoft applications and their new icons appear in small translucent blocks. Likewise, the left part of the Start menu has transparent icons, whereas these appear in large blocks in the current version of Windows 10.

Windows 10 new start menu

A new version of the Start menu that won’t arrive for several months

Not enough to change the face of the world, certainly. But there is still time for Microsoft to refine the look of its new menu. In one tweet, one of the developers admits that the team is fumbling at the moment and that there is still a lot of work to improve the design of Windows 10.

For the moment, it is unknown when this new edition will be precisely deployed. If Microsoft plans to broadcast a new edition of Windows 10 by the end of the year, the 20H2, it should be minor and only offer bug fixes. Will we still see the Start menu there, or does Microsoft plan to release it next year?

Anyway, we now hope that this revamped menu will quickly take its first steps in a next build of the Windows Insider program, which allows you to test the new features of Windows 10 sometimes with 6 months or 1 year in advance.

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