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Microsoft Teams undergoes a complete transformation for improved speed, simplicity, and increased intelligence.

Speed, less use of computer resources and AI are the foundations of the new Teams.

Microsoft Teams wants to be the go-to app for professional communication on Windows. Microsoft

Despite the fact that it is not one of the applications with the most years behind it in the world of business communication, Microsoft Teams has known how to play perfectly his letters in the last times, adding more and more features that reward the use of software to companies and workers. On this occasion, thanks to the information published on the Microsoft websitewe bring you the logical evolutionary leap of the application, in search of a productivity improvement and one more efficient collaboration among its users.

Microsoft seeks to make it easier for users to interact with their platforms, we are already talking about interesting keyboard shortcuts in Windows 11 like the keyboard shortcuts in Word, and this future update is what many were demanding.

Microsoft Teams takes a step forward as the nerve center of communication in Windows

As you can see in the Microsoft Teams publication on Twitter, the North American company seeks to make the definitive leap in quality to its communication app and for this it has presented the Teams public previewwhich will be the twice as fast and will use a 50% less memory on the computers in which it is installed. The update will be available for all users to end of this yearbut if you want to be one of the first to know first-hand its news, You can now access this preview as long as you are a professional client of the app. It is necessary, however, a prior registration by the administrator.

Las What’s new in the next version of Microsoft Teams They are so varied that we are going to summarize them in the following lines, so that you can see first-hand what the new Teams will be like. The improvements will focus on:

  • speed increase: Both the app itself and the meetings start twice as fast, while, as we mentioned before, memory consumption has decreased by 50%.
  • more intuitive app: The goal of the new version of Microsoft Teams is to be able to work more efficiently and productively, making it easier to manage messages, find information, organize channels and use notifications.
  • Flexibility: Those users who use several accounts will have the opportunity to receive notifications in real time from all of them. Synchronization and authentication have also been improved.
  • AI powered app: Artificial intelligence will have a fundamental role from now on in Microsoft Teams, given that functionalities such as Intelligent Summary will arrive, which will allow users who join a meeting to receive a summary of what has been discussed, or Copilot, which will facilitate previously tedious tasks .

And it is that the The age of artificial intelligence has filled Microsoft’s apps and softwareAs Jeff Teper, president of Collaborative Applications and Platforms at Microsoft, says:

We’re just starting to use the power of AI in Microsoft Teams. We are always looking for ways to provide a more intuitive and feature-rich experience for our customers.

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